Flashback to Peggy in Highschool

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This chapter is kinda random but it is part of the plot. Btw Peggy is a Senior in this chapter.

Third person POV

Peggy and her best, well only, friend, Nathan Van Rensselaer, were sitting in English class, bored out of their minds.

"What's even the point of all this?" Peggy muttered angrily.

"I'm so bored" Nathan groaned.

Peggy smirked as she ran a hand through her hair, that then got caught in her curls. "Tell the teacher I'm having a panic attack"

Nathan stared at Peggy confused. "What?"

Peggy didn't answer, instead she started blinking rapidly. She turned her face red and started bouncing her leg, making her whole body shake. She crumpled her face to make it look like she was crying. She took Nathan's water bottle and put some water on her face.

"Peggy what are you doing?" Nathan whispered.

"Do it now" Peggy whispered back. She buried her head in her hands and started shaking harder.

Nathan finally realized what Peggy was doing. "Mrs. Jolly, I think Peggy's having a panic attack!" He yelled.

"Take her to the nurse" Mrs. Jolly responded, not looking away from the board.

Nathan and Peggy stood up and walked out of the room. The second they were out of earshot Peggy busted out laughing. Nathan laughed too and looked at Peggy. "That was some amazing acting, P"

Peggy flipped her hair. "I know Nate" She ran towards the door that led to the soccer field and opened it. "So, you want some ice cream?"

Nathan smirked. "You know it. Although it's sad we can't get those alcoholic milkshakes, they sound delicious."

Peggy shrugged. They walked over to the side of the school where that hid Nathan's skateboard and Peggy's roller skates. Peggy's roller skates were black with yellow wheels, yellow laces, and yellow flowers that she had painted on them. She had also painted all over Nathan's skateboard. Peggy quickly put her roller skates on, a skill she had learned from quickly changing shoes at dance.

"I mean we could go to my house and make them. My sisters are in college and my dad's never home seeing as I'm the only one of his kids home. And we both know he doesn't care about me" Peggy said while skating down the street.

Nathan caught up to her. "Yeah, he likes you almost as much as my brother does"

Peggy slowed down slightly. If she wasn't so good at skating she would've fallen. "Aw come on, Stephen loves me. He just... has a different way of showing it"

Nathan looked at Peggy. "Yeah, by telling you you're not good enough."

Peggy looked down at the road and played with her hands. "Nate... I just"

"I know P" Nathan knew she was getting overwhelmed and decided to change the subject. "I can't wait til I can move out"

"You're not going to move too far right?" Peggy asked as they turned onto the street the Schuyler mansion was on.

"I'm not sure" Nathan admitted. "I have to move where it's cheep, you know my family won't give me money."

Peggy sighed, not wanting to think about the truth that Nathan was probably moving far away. "Have you made a move on whoever this 'S' is yet? Also what is with you and giving everyone the nickname of their initial?"

Nathan shrugged. "I haven't yet, but he waved at me yesterday"

"Hey that's progress!" Peggy cheered.

They made it to the Schuyler mansion and Peggy took of her roller skates. Peggy unlocked the front door and they walked in. "I'll go grab the alcohol, you get everything set up in the kitchen"

Peggy ran upstairs to her dad's room. She glanced at the thing she hated most in that house. The family picture that her father had cut her mother out of. There were only two pictures of Peggy's mother and Peggy had both of them. One was in her room and the other one was in a locked necklace her mother gave her. Peggy hadn't worn the necklace all that much but it was definitely her most prized possession.

Peggy went into her dad's secret room and grabbed the bottle of vodka. She pulled the top off and took a sip, ignoring the burn it left down her throat.


Peggy and Nathan sat next to each other on top of Peggy's kitchen island, sipping on their milkshakes.

"I think I'm moving to Arkansas" Nathan said suddenly.

Peggy looked at him. "But that's 20 hours away"

"I know... but the rent is cheap there and..." Nathan sighed. He didn't want to live so far away but it was what was best for him.

Peggy leaned her head on his shoulder. "I'm gonna miss you" She said with tears filling up her eyes.

Nathan pulled her into a hug. "I'm gonna miss you so much. But I think we should enjoy the next few months together"

Hey y'all. So Nathan is going to become big in this story so here's a little bit about him.

He's pan, that's why his parents hate him. He's Stephen's younger brother. He's in the same grade as Peggy but he's the same age as the people who should actually be in that grade. He's a tall and awkward teenager. He has longish brunette hair and brownish-gold eyes.

Yeah, I don't have too much to say but expect more of Nathan. Remember you are loved and I'm always here if you need to talk. Thanks for reading and have a good day/night!

<3 Katie

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