Chapter~ 11

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Jungkook: ok.

We were done giving cakes to the neighbours and now Jungkook is walking me to my house.

Jungkook: Your siblings are so cute. It must feel good to have them, right?

Jungkook asked in a soft tone.

Y/n: Yeah. They are a blessing. Don't you have any siblings?

Jungkook thought about it for a few seconds.

Jungkook: I.....have an elder brother but he doesn't stay with us. 

Y/n: Really? Why?

Jungkook: Well......he was a good student since his childhood so....he always stayed outside the country. he is at the military.

Y/n: Oh. 

Jungkook: I wasn't that much of a social kid...I was always with my parents.

I smiled. 

Y/n: So you're the most loved one of your parents.

Jungkook giggled.

Jungkook: Nah~~~ my elder brother is.

I shook my head.

Y/n: No he's not. I can give you proof.

Jungkook looked at me.

Jungkook: Oh yeah? Then show me.

Y/n: Well....if your brother was the most loved child..your parents could have never separated him from themselves but they did. In your case they couldn't separate

I softly elbowed Jungkook and he started to giggle.

Jungkook: Maybe you're right.

Y/n: Yep. Mission complete.

Jungkook laughed.

Y/n: By studying I remembered..I couldn't find my student ID anywhere in my bag. Maybe I left it at the hostel.

Jungkook suddenly looked at me with shocked eyes. I frowned.

Jungkook: Oh sorry Sorry sorry!! I totally forgot about it!!

Y/n: About what and...what are you apologising for?

Jungkook took something out from his pocket.

Jungkook: Here.

I looked at it and it was my student ID.

Y/n: Wo~ how did you get it?

Jungkook: It was with Jeawoon but when I had gone to your room in the morning maybe then somehow it slipped inside my bag. 

Y/n: Oh. Thankgod~~~ 

Jungkook: I think you should inform about this to jeawoon. Or else she might get worried.

I stopped walking at the sudden realization that I didn't call jeawoon.

Y/n: Oh my god.

Jungkook: What?

Jungkook said, looking at me with scared eyes. 

Y/n: I totally forgot to call jeawoon! She's gonna freak out!

Jungkook giggled.

Jungkook: You scared me. 

Y/n: Oh, sorry~~ he he.

While walking and talking with Jungkook I didn't even realize when I reached my house door. 

Y/n: Op. Look, we're here. 

Obsession - Jungkook FFWhere stories live. Discover now