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Y/n's POV 

I was sitting at my study table with dozens of notes in front of me when suddenly the room's door burst open. I looked in that direction and a heavy breathing jeawoon was standing against the door. She was devilishly giggling.

Y/n: what's going on, babe? And....what's with that giggling?

Jeawoon came to me and softly hugged me like a baby. I slid my hand on her hair.

Jeawoon: I beated the shit out of someone and locked him in the bathroom.

I narrowed my eyes. 

Y/n: let me guess......It was sahun.

Jeawoon shook her head.

Y/n: Then~~?

Jeawoon: It was a woohong.

I nodded understanding the thing. As she has a really short's understandable.

Jeawoon: So.....what are you doing? 

Jeawoon said, peeking at my study table.

Y/n: huff* study.

Jeawoon huffed.

Jeawoon: you and namjoon oppa are the same. You guys are ruining your youth.

I pouted.

Y/n: But I like studying.

She took a large breath and walked to her bed. 

Jeawoon: your wish darling. I'm going to sleep.

Saying that she plopped on her bed. I softly smiled and shook my head. ''This child.'' I thought. Then I again focused on my study. 

Jeawoon: Babe, aren't you forgetting something?

Jeawoon said, sitting up from her bed. I looked at her and raised an eyebrow.

Jeawoon: Aren't you supposed to give Jungkook some notes?

Then the stupid bell of my head rangged up.

Y/n: Oh yeah...., I totally forgot. 

I jumped out of the chair and started to gather all the important notes which Jungkook would need. After I was done gathering I dashed out of my room.

Jeawoon: OI, WAIT FOR ME!!

I heard jeawoon screaming from behind. I stopped walking and started to wait for her. Then she came to me, we held each other's hand and started to go to namjoon oppa and Jungkook's room.


Jungkook was sitting on his bed playing games on his phone. While Namjoon was studying for his upcoming test. Slowly the room's opened a little from where y/n and jeawoon peeked.

Y/n: Oppa, can we come in?

Namjoon looked at the door and noticed y/n and jeawoon peeking. He flashed them a big bear smile and stood up from his chair.

Namjoon: ah~~~y/n, jeawoon. Come in.

Namjoon widens the door for them to come in. They walked inside and thanked him.

Y/n: So oppa, how is study going? You have a test next week, right?

Namjoon nodded.

Namjoon: it's as always, hard.

Jeawoon and y/n chuckled.

Jeawoon: Yeah, it must be.

Namjoon: So..... what brought you guys here?

Y/n spoke up.

Y/n: Oh, the professor told me to give Jungkook these notes.

Y/n said, showing Namjoon those notes. Namjoon nodded.

Namjoon: Oh ok. Btw, the professor choosed a perfect person for this work.

Y/n shyly smiled.

Y/n: thanks oppa.

Then y/n came to Jungkook. She came to him with a happy happy mood but it dropped when she saw him playing games.

Y/m: Aahum!

Jungkook stopped playing games and looked at her. He flashed her a big smile and greeted.

Jungkook: Hi!

Y/n nodded sadly.

Y/n: hummmmm~~ here.

Y/n handed Jungkook those notes and walked away from there without saying a word. Jungkook just kept staring at her with a blank expression. 

Y/n came to jeawoon and held her hand.

Y/n: We should go now oppa. Let's go jeawoon.

Namjoon: Yeah sure. See ya tomorrow.

Then y/n and jeawoon came out of the room. Namjoon closed the door and looked at Jungkook. Jungkook was still shocked. He looked at Namjoon too.

Namjoon: Are you wondering why y/n behaved like that?

Jungkook just kept staring at him silently.

Namjoon: You pissed her off.

Namjoon said, chuckling. Jungkook got shocked when he heard namjoon. His mind went blank. ''I pissed her off!?'' Jungkook thought with wide eyes.

Jungkook: How?

Jungkook asked Namjoon with an innocent tone. Namjoon came back to his study table and sat on the chair.

Nsmjoon: well.......she collected all those notes for you with so much hard work and when she saw you playing games........that kinda pissed her off.

Jungkook looked at his phone with wide eyes. ''Because of you I piseed y/n off on the day of our meeting'' He thought. He moved the phone away from his side.

**phone: No please don't move me away TT - TT**
(A/n: Just for fun😆😆😆.)

Jungkook looked at the sky through the window and got lost in his own galaxy.

On the other hand~~

Y/n and Jeawoon came to their room. Y/n let jeawoon's hand go and sat on her chair. Jeawoon kept staring at y/n because of her weird behaviour.

Jeawoon: What happened to you? Why are you so sad, sad, babe?

Jeawoon said, sitting on her study table's chair. Y/n looked at her.

Y/n: it was so hard to find those notes. I worked so hard for Jungkook and he just......ignored me. Games are more important for him.

Jeawoon: yah........don't be sad babe. He's just new here. When he'll become more comfortable with us he'll forget his games.

Y/n: Yeah maybe.

Jeawoon: Ok~~ study time. 

Jeawoon said, chuckling. Y/n giggled hearing what she said.

Y/n: Baby jeawoon has become a grow up now, I see~~

Y/n said sarcastically. 

Jeawoon: yep mama. Let's start working~~~

Y/n nodded and looked at the study table.

''There is something special about you, Jeon Jungkook. And I'm gonna find what is it.''

Obsession - Jungkook FFWhere stories live. Discover now