Chapter~ 19

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Y/n's POV 

I was in my class with my friends. We were having a chemistry lecture when the bell rang up announcing that the class was over. 

Jeawoon: Come on guys~ lunch time!!! I'm so hungryyy!!

I and Jungkook giggled in a childish manner. Then we went to the cafeteria. We three grabbed whatever we wanted and went to a table where no one was sitting. Me and Jeawoon sat but when Jungkook was about to sit, someone snatched his chair away making Jungkook fall on the cold ground. I was surprised and stood up from my chair. Jeawoon ran up to Jungkook to help him get up from the ground. I looked at the person who dared to do that and saw it was no one else but Mike and behind him I saw sahun and his fellow minions smirking.

Mike is a famous bully and playboy of our institute. He's really arrogant and self-catered. I don't really bother to say anything to him for some personal reasons.

Mike: Hey loser~ long time no see. 

Y/n: What the hell! Why did you do that?!

I said with an angry expression on my face.

Mike: oh c'mon baby girl~ we met after such a long time. Won't you give a hug?

Y/n: I'd rather die than come into any kind of touch with you. 

Mike: Hey~ don't be like that baby~ c'mon give me a kiss.

Saying that he got up and came towards me while opening his arms wide. I was backing up cause I didn't want to hurt him..or else someone else would kill me. I was backing up until I hit a table behind me and I had to stop.

Mike: There is nowhere you can go now.

I was about to throw the water bottle I had in my hand on his freaking face when suddenly someone stood in front of me. Sheltering me. I looked up and saw it was Jungkook.

Jungkook: She doesn't want anything to do with you. Why are you bothering her?

I could feel the coldness in his voice. It sent shivers to my veins.

Mike: And who are you?

Sahun whispered something in his ears.

Mike: Oh~~ So you're the loser who is under my Y/n's care.

Saying that he giggled. I was so disgusted by him. Then suddenly he grabbed Jungkook by his collar.

Mike: Look boy, don't dare to come in between me and my baby girl. Or else I'll rip your head off- ahh!

Before he could end his sentence I clenched my fist and punched on his jaw making him fall on the ground. 

Y/n: Don't you dare talk to me my friends like that you freaking bullcrack!!! Jeawoon ran to my side.

Jeawoon: Babe are you ok?!

I nodded. Sahun and his minions rushed to Mike to help him. 

Sahun: Bro are you ok?!

Sahun tried to help him get up but Mike shook Sahun's hand off and looked at me. He smirked making my disgust on him more deep. He stood up on his own and walked towards Jungkook. I grabbed Jungkook's hand and pulled him behind me. 

Y/n: If there's something you want to say then tell it to me. Not to Jungkook. He has nothing to do with us. 

Mike smirked wider.

Mike: I see you're willing to do anything for your little friend here. 

I clenched my jaw holding the urge to punch him again. Mike whipped the blood from the corner of his lips.

Obsession - Jungkook FFWhere stories live. Discover now