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Third person's POV

Time skipped, and it was nighttime. Those two goons who tried to steal from Y/n and Jungkook were doing drugs in the same alley. 

Goon 1: Today, that girl was strong. She hit my head so many times!

Goon 2: that fucking bitch. Just let me get my hands on her again. I'll show her who I am.

Goon 1: Yeah yeah. 

Those two were sucking on their cigarettes when suddenly someone's footsteps were being heard from the entrance of that peach black alley. 

Goon 2: Hey! Who's there!?

One of the goons screamed but there was no answer. Second by second the footsteps were coming closer and closer and the goons were getting more frustrated. 

One of them pulled out a knife and pointed at the dark alley.

Goon 1: Who ever the fuck you are, reveal yourself! 

Suddenly the footsteps stopped and everything was quiet again. The goons narrowed their eyebrows and slowly started to put back their knives. Then suddenly a human figure stood in front of them and the goons got starstruck. They took two steps back to see that figure standing in front of them properly.

Goon 2: W-who are you?

Slowly a familiar face to the goons came in light.

Goons 1: Oh it's you~ That weakling boyfriend of that bitch.

That figure put down his hoodie's hood and Jungkook's face came out.

Jungkook: Yeah it's me.

Goon 2: Aww poor weakling. You must be here to beg mercy for your dear bitch, aren't you? 

Jungkook shot a deadly death glare at that goon

Goon 1: But it's a shame that we aren't that merciful. 

Jungkook clenched his teeth. One of the goons came towards Jungkook and put his hand on Jungkook's shoulder.

Goon 1: Tomorrow we will feast on your dear girlfriend and you'll be forced to see that happening in front of your eyes.

Goon 2: We will rip her apart and you'll have to see her in pai-

Jungkook grabbed on a small knife in his pocket. Suddenly he lifted his hand up in the speed of lightning and that goon who had his hand on Jungkook's shoulder lost 3 of his fingers. At first that goon couldn't understand what happened but when he saw his 3 fingers were missing he freaked out. Before that thug could scream Jungkook punched a cloth inside that goon's mouth which made him choke and unable to scream.

Goon 1: What the-?!

Jungkook's death glared at that goon and aggressively ran after him.

Jungkook: Fuck you!! 

Saying that Jungkook swings  his knife and cut his lips off.

Goon 1: AHH-

Before that thug could scream Jungkook grabbed his head and smashed it on the wall. 

Jungkook: Fucking b*stard. Do you really think you can harm my y/n again? You really thought you could get away by giving her that wound, didn't you? Well...WRONG!

Jungkook punched a cloth in that goon's mouth too. 

Jungkook: I won't even let you scream. 

Jungkook looked back at the thug who's finger he cut and smirked. He walked back to him.

Jungkook: You'll rip her apart, huh? But that day will never come......

Jungkook came closer to his ear.

Jungkook: Cause you won't be alive till that day.

That goon's eyes grew wide hearing Jungkook. He shook his head in fear for mercy.

Jungkook chuckles.

Jungkook: I'm not that merciful.

Then Jungkook dragged that goon to the other goon and tied their hands.

Jungkook: I'll give you guys such a painful death that you'll remember it till your next life.

Then Jungkook took his knife and started to peel those goons' skin. Those two tried to scream as hard as they could but no voice was coming out from their mouths. Jungkook smirked and tilted his head.

Jungkook: Having fun? It must be fun.


Jungkook: I'm back eomma!!

Jungkook said entering his house.

Mrs.Jeon: Welcome back~ 

Mrs.Jeon said coming out of the kitchen.

Jungkook: Thank you eomma~

Mrs.Jeon: Where are you coming from dear? 

Jungkook stuttered to answer for a while but eventually made up an excuse.

Jungkook: i-i...I had gone to walk around the neighbourhood. It's a really nice neighbourhood. One of my friends lives here. So that friend told me to come out of my house sometimes.

Mrs.Jeon: oh. Ok. I'm really happy for you. Finally you made a friend.

Jungkook flashed a bunny smile and hugged his eomma. 

Jungkook: I love you eomma.

Mrs.Jeon patted his head.

Mrs.Jeon: Love you more than you know dear.

Jungkook: Ok I'm going to my room. Bye.

Mrs.Jeon: ok- oh wait!

Jungkook was going to his room when Mrs.Jeon noticed something.

Mrs.Jeon: Why are you wearing this hoodie? You had another hoodie on when you had gone out.

Jungkook: o-oh. Nah~ it's nothing. Maybe you made a mistake. I was wearing the same hoodie when I went out.

Mrs.Jeon shrugged her shoulders.

Mrs.Jeon: Maybe. Bye.

Jungkook: Bye.

Then Jungkook came back to his room. He shut his door and sat down on the floor leaning his head against the door. He silently cries for the crime he has done. And then again after sometime his tears dries out and starts thinking that all these happened for the good.

He took out the knife from his pocket and stared at it. 

Jungkook: It's only between you and me.

Then he put it in the little charm box he had from his childhood.

Jungkook: You'll be safe here buddy. Goodnight.


Y/n's POV

After Aiden and Clara fell asleep, I silently came to my room and dialed eomma's number and called her. After some time of ringing finally she picked up her phone.

Y/n: Hey eomma!

Eomma: Hey dear~ how are you?

Y/n: I'm fine eomma. How about you? 

Eomma: I'm fine too dear. The doctors said my condition is improving faster than they expected.

Y/n: Really?

Eomma: Yes dear.

Y/n: You'll be here before next month, right?

Eomma: Yes, sweety. I'll be there.

Y/n: Promise?

Eomma: Promise.

Y/n: Ok. How are your co-workers?


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