Chapter ~ 28

315 6 3

Third person's POV

Jungkook saw Y/n getting hugged by a guy he never saw, and he immediately got triggered. His facial expressions got stiff.

Jungkook: wh-

When he was about to say something, some more guys came in and hugged Y/n and even Aiden and Clara. He was just so confused as to why she was suddenly getting hugged by so many men. Be noticed Namjoon in them, too

Y/n looked at jungkook and saw him getting confused, so she finally decided to introduce them to him.

Y/n: Oh, Jungkook! Let me introduce them to you. You already know Namjoon oppa. This is Taehyung oppa. He's Namjoon oppa's cousin. This is Jimin oppa. He's Taehyung oppa's best friend.

Taehyung: He's jimini pabo

Taehyung said with a boxy smile. Everyone laughed at what he said. Jimin made a disgusted face and slapped on the back of his head

Jimin: How many times should I tell you not to call me that??

Jungkook was just nodding and observing them silently. While everyone was laughing, Jungkook's expression got darker. He didn't like Y/n being surrounded by so many men.

"I don't like this.. should I do the same thing as-" Jungkook's thoughts got interrupted by Y/n voice. His attention immediately went to y/n.

Y/n: This is Yoongi oppa. He's Namjoon oppa's friend and the second oldest in the whole group.

"Group??" Jungkook thought.

Y/n: This is Hoseok oppa. He's yoongi oppa's friend and our old neighbour.

Hoseok: Yeah, we moved out a few months ago.

Y/n: And last but not least, Jin oppa. He's our neighbour. He lives two houses away from ours. He's Namjoon, Yoongi and Hoseok oppa's mother- I mean best friend.

Jin: Ya! Don't you dare

Y/n: ok ok sorry!

Everyone excerpted for Jungkook laughed. He was still glaring at the boys.

Jeawoon: he's the oldest, too. He's a grandpa!

Jin: Ya!! Shut up!!!

Everyone laughed. Y/n introduced the boys one by one to Jungkook, but Jungkook wasn't liking it. He absolutely hated the fact that Y/n was connected to so many men. He was feeling challenged.

Y/n: Now that Junkook knows who you guys are, let's introduce you to jungkook. So this is Jungkook. He's my really good friend. He's my neighbour too.

Jungkook: Hi.

Jungkook said in a stiff voice. Y/n noticed it.

Y/n: Don't be anxious. It's fine. We're all friends here.

Jeawoon: we all are more like siblings

All of them: yeah~

Jungkook's expression softened a little after jeawoon said that. He took a breath of relief, but he wasn't fully sure about this, so he decided to keep his guards up.

Y/n: Take a seat, guys.

Taehyung: Okk~

all of them took their seats. As the number of people was increased, everyone decided that 3 people would pay. Hoseok and Namjoon volunteered in this.

Obsession - Jungkook FFWhere stories live. Discover now