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Jungkook: B-But I didn't help you in anything.

Jungkook refused to take the thankyou. Y/n smile faded for some second but then it returned instantly.

Y/n: you don't need to do anything. Just always be by my side. That's it. Simple as it sounds.

Y/n said in her sweet and soft voice. Jungkook's eyes sparkled in happiness. Jeawoon hugged y/n.

Jeawoon: aww, my cutie-ah. Why are you so cute? You make my heart ache. 

Jeawoon said squishing y/n's cheeks.

Y/n: umm......babe it hurts.

Jeawoon pulled her hands away from y/n's cheek.

Jeawoon: ooh, sowwy~.

Jeawoon said, smiling awkwardly. Y/n patted her head.

Y/n: nah~~ it's fine.

Y/n said softly to her child called Jeawoon to make her feel secure.

Jungkook: You guys are so kind. You behave so sweetly with me. No one ever did that to me.

Jungkook said, looking at the floor. Y/n noticed a sad aoura around Jungkook. She patted Jungkook's back to comfort him.

Y/n: Heads up mate. Those days are over.

Jeawoon: Yeah, you're with us now. We're never gonna leave your side.

Jungkook smiled and looked at both of them with grateful eyes.

Jungkook: Thankyou.

Y/n: Nah~~no need for that.

Then they started to go to their rooms.

Jeawoon: Hey, y/n?

Y/n: Hm.....?

Jeawoon: Are you going home this weekend?

Y/n: Um.............yeah. why?

Y/n and Jungkook looked at Jeawoon.

Jeawoon: Oof~~ and Jungkook you?

Jungkook: I-I think I'll be going home too.

Jeawoon: Urg!~~~~ dubble oof~~~that means I'm gonna be all alone here.

Y/n: Why oof? Why don't you go home this weekend? I know your uncle aunty misses you. 

Jeawoon: Yeah, as if. Don't wanna go. That's not my home.

Y/n: Then why don't you come with me? We can complete further study together.

Jeawoon: Oh nah girl~~~~~~ if we study I'm definitely not coming.  I want a break from this shit called study. 

Y/n giggled.

Y/n: Sure whatever you wish.

Jeawoon: Ok then we are here. Now we'll have to get separated. 

Y/n and Jungkook who weren't focusing on their path got confused and looked at Jeawoon with a confused expression.

Jeawoon: Aww you guys look so CUTE in a confused expression. Look up.

Jeawoon said pointing up. Y/n and Jungkook looked up and saw a board which said ''Boys hostel'' on the left side and ''Girls hostel'' on the right.

Y/n: Oh.

Saying that Y/n looked at Jungkook. 

Y/n: So here you go~~~ Namjoon oppa must be waiting for you. 

Jungkook: Yeah~

Obsession - Jungkook FFWhere stories live. Discover now