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Next morning

Y/n's POV

I was waiting in front of my house waiting for Jungkook to come out of his house.

Clara: Unnie, how long will we have to stand like this?

Aiden: Yeah my feet hurt.

I looked at them and cherished their cheeks.

Y/n: I'm so sorry love. Just a little longer. Let Jungkook come and we'll get going.

Aiden: Ok.

Then I looked at Jungkook's house door and saw him coming out. 

Y/n: Hey Jungkook!!~

I lifted my hand and waved it for him to notice me. He looked at me and gave me a small wave. Then he came to us.

Y/n: Ok let's get going now.

Jungkook nodded. Something seemed odd. Jungkook seemed pale to me for some reason. I pulled the hem of his shirt and he looked at me?

Y/n: Are you ok? 

Jungkook: W-why? Am I being weird?

I blinked at him a few times before giving answers.

Y/n: No it's just you're looking pale.

Jungkook: Oh that! That's just...I couldn't sleep last night.

I nodded.

Y/n: Oh....then I'm glad that you're fine. I thought you're sick or something.

Jungkook looked at me with sad eyes.

Jungkook: Sorry for making you worried.

I chuckled.

Y/n: Nahhh it's not that big of a deal. Chill out.

That made Jungkook chuckle a little.

Time skipped 

After dropping my siblings at the school, I and Jungkook are on our way to our classes. When we were on our way we saw a large crowd in front of us. It was at the same place where yesterday all those things happened.

I looked at Jungkook and noticed he was looking a little tense. I held his hand. He looked at me and I smiled.

Y/n: It's ok. No need to be scared. I'm here with you.

Jungkook gave me a smile and then we passed the crowd from the sides. I was a little curious so as we were passing I peeked a little and my heart almost jumped out of my chest.

I saw two dead bodies fully peeled out of their skin. Blood was everywhere. Their faces were terribly crushed. Their jaws were broken and laying faraway from their bodies. Their heads were terribly crushed too. To the point that their brain was destroyed and was coming out of their skull 

Seeing that, I stopped walking. I had no control over my body. It automatically stopped and wouldn't move. My eyes were stuck on those bodies. I couldn feel my hands shaking in fear. Suddenly someone pulled me in a hug. I looked up and saw it was Jungkook. 

Jungkook: Shhh I'm here for you too.

He looked me in my eyes and my eyes started to fill up with tears. He pulled me back in his chest and held my head in his chest for a while. Then he pulled back.

Jungkook: Let's get you out of here.

He dragged me by my wrist to the end of the crowd.

Y/n: Thanks. I don't know what would have happened to me there if it wasn't for you. 

Jungkook nodded.

Jungkook: It's fine. Calm Down.

I hesitantly nodded.

Y/n: Aren't you scared?

Jungkook looked at me for a few seconds  and then flashed a smile.

Jungkook: No I'm not. 

Y/n: Why?

Jungkook: Cause I didn't see what was there. I knew it's something horrible and I didn't want to ruin tonight's sleep too.

I smiled at him and nodded.

Jungkook: Hurry up, we're gonna get late.

Y/n: y-yeah.

Another time skip 

We were in our class room. Only 10 minutes were left for the class to start. I was talking with jeawoon when I overheard someone's convo.

???: Did you know they found two dead bodies nearby?

???: Yeah I've heard that their skin was peeled and their face was brutally messed-up.

???: Yeah the police couldn't find any identification items so they couldn't find their families.

???: That is so scary. I'm getting shivers.

I wish I hadn't heard their convo. I could feel my heartbeat race faster and my hand shaking again. I tightly closed my eyes trying to forget what I saw. I regret peeking. I was struggling when jeawoon held my hand. 

Jeawoon: Y/ ok?

I looked at her. I could feel tears filling my eyes. 

Jeawoon: You need to talk?

I nodded.

Jeawoon: Ok, let's go outside.

Saying that she held my hand and stood up. She looked at Jungkook and tapped his head. He looked at Jeawoon with a confused expression.

Jeawoon: Aren't you coming with us?

Jungkook still stared at her with confusion.

Jungkook: Where?

Jeawoon rolled her eyes. 

Jeawoon: outside. Y/n needs to talk.

Jungkook: oh.....ok let's go.

On the school balcony 

I told jeawoon everything and that I was regretting peeking like that. Jeawoon hugged me and brushed my tears away.

Jeawoon: ne ne this child~ it's ok. It's fine now. I and Jungkook are here with you. You're gonna overcome that fear. 

Y/n: I don't think I'll be able to sleep tonight.

Jeawoon: Want me to come over to your house?

I looked at jeawoon.

Y/n: You can?

Jeawoon huffed.

Jeawoon: Of course not. Can't leave the hostel without the weekends. 

Y/n: oh...yeah..

I looked away in disappointment.

Jungkook: I live right in front of your house. Just call me when you're scared. If not me I'll send my eomma, i-is that ok? 

I looked at him and smiled. I was so grateful.

Y/n: Thankyou Jungkook.

Time skipped

Now I am at home. Dinner was done and here in Clara and Aiden's room to tug them but...I'm too scared to go back to my room. Those dead bodies' faces were still in my mind. I'm gonna get nightmares tonight. 

I looked here - there and was thinking about sleep with the kids but....their beds are too small for two. I looked at the kids and saw they were already sleeping deep. That's when fear hit me again. I was the only person who's awake in this house now. I didn't even have the courage to step outside my siblings room.

Just when I was about to cry my phone buzzed up making me jump in fear.

Obsession - Jungkook FFWhere stories live. Discover now