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Y/n and jeawoon were going to the class room when Jungkook saw them on the way. Jungkook was trying to approach them but his guts didn't support him. So he maintained his distance.

They finally reached the class room's door. This whole time y/n and jeawoon didn't notice jungkook was behind them. Jeawoon entered the room but when y/n tried to go inside she got stuck. Because when she was entering Jungkook also rushed there and They both got stuck.


They both moaned together and got surprised. They looked at eachother with wide eyes. Jungkook moved away from that spot at the speed of a storm.

Y/n: Oh, Jungkook, it's you.

Y/n said smiling at the taller one. Jungkook started to get nervous seeing her smile. His cheeks started to heat up.

Jungkook: G-Good morning class president.

Jungkook said giving a 60° bow to y/n. Y/n giggled seeing that.

Y/n: yah~ you don't need to do that. And also don't call me class president. Just call me y/n.

Jungkook nodded.

Y/n: c'mon let's go inside.

Saying that y/n held Jungkook's hand and dragged him inside the classroom. They sat on their seats and placed their needed things on the desk.

Y/n: So~ namjoon oppa did his work well I see.

Y/n said to Jungkook while smiling. Jungkook looked at her confused.

Jungkook: What do you mean?

Y/n: well.........namjoon oppa woke you up,right?

Jungkook nodded.

Y/n: I told him to do that.

Y/n said brightly smiling. Jungkook made his doe eyes big and nodded as a sign of understanding.

Jungkook: T-Thankyou.

Jeawoon peeked from behind y/n.

Jeawoon: No, problem.

Jeawoon said, smiling like sunshine. Y/n nodded.

Y/n: Yeah, and no need to thank me. It's my duty as a classmate.

Y/n said while giving an eye smile which made her cheeks go soft pink. Jungkook found it really attractive. He kept staring at her until jeawoon shooked him out of his thought land.

Jeawoon: Jungkook!!!!

Jungkook jolt out of his thoughts and looked at jeawoon.

Jungkook: y-yeah?

Jeawoon: She's gone. What are you staring at?

Jeawoon asked as Jungkook got confused at it.

Jungkook: P-pardon?

Jeawoon's lips turned into a deadly smirk.

Jeawoon: You know what, you're really bad at hiding your emotions. Anyone can tell that you have a crush on y/n.

Jeawoon whispered which only Jungkook could hear. Jungkook looked at her shocked.

Jungkook: n-no I don't.

Jeawoon: Oh really? Then why did you stutter?

Jungkook was about to say something but Jeawoon put him off.

Jeawoon: It's ok to have a crush, Jungkook. It's normal. I won't tell this to anybody. Not even y/n. I promise.

Jeawoon said calmly and got back to her position. Jungkook was shocked to hear about his own feelings from someone else. He was amazed that someone had just read him like an open book. He looked everywhere in the class trying to find y/n and found her explaining something to a group of students.

Obsession - Jungkook FFWhere stories live. Discover now