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I woke up from my sleep and slowly opened my eyes. I seriously flinched when I saw the view in front of me. I was in front of a drooling Jeawoon who was alarmingly drooling. I jerked out of her arms and suddenly fell out of my bed.

Y/n: Oof~~~~~

(A/n: out of the topic. Have you ever had a friend like Jeawoon?)

I groaned when my booty flopped on the cold floor. I scratched my head and looked at the bed to see what I saw if it was real. And........yeah it was real.

I saw Jeawoon being a drooling mess on my bed. I rubbed my temples. This is why I don't let her sleep on my bed.

Y/n: Jeawoon~~~~~babe~~~~ wakeup.

I shocked her to wake her up. She pouted and started to wiggled. She opened her eyes a little.

Y/n: wakie wakie baby~~~~ c'mon wake up.

She stretched her body and sat up. She looked at me.

Jeawoon: Babe, why are you on the floor?

She asked me with a pout. I stretched my body.

Y/n: Um......nothing. I just got scared when I saw your drooling faceu.

I answered her honestly and she nodded without getting mad. As I always say the truth, she doesn't get angry anymore.

Jeawoon: I'll go wash my face.

Jeawoon said standing up from the bed. I hummed and nodded.



Jungkook was sitting on his bed when suddenly a loud noise was heard. As namjoon was breaking things every minute he didn't bother to look in that direction thinking it was namjoon breaking things again. He got startled when suddenly a pair of hands covered his eyes. He flinched and jerked those hands away. He looked at that person with a shocked expression and saw it was Jeawoon.

Jeawoon: Hi!

Jungkook huffed in relief when he saw it was Jeawoon. Y/n came and placed her hand on Jeawoon's shoulder.

Y/n: Yah.......babe, do you think he can recognize you? We guys only met today. Look, you scared him.

Y/n said brightly smiling which Jungkook found attractive. Jungkook smiled at them and shook his head.

Jungkook: I wasn't scared.

Jeawoon and y/n looked at him in total aww seeing his cute smile.

Jeawoon: aww your smile is so cute.

Y/n nodded.

Y/n: Hey Jungkook, We are going to the park. Wanna come with us.

Jungkook kept staring at y/n in aww with his big big doe eyes. Y/n kept staring at Jungkook's eyes with the expectation of his answer. But......the answer never came. She snapped her finger in front of Jungkook's face and Jungkook jerked out his thoughts.

Jungkook: o-oh yeah?

Y/n: ........

Jeawoon: .............

Y/n: you wanna go to the park with us?

Jungkook took a glance out of the window and nodded.

Y/n and jeawoon giggled.

Y/n: Ok then let's go.

Y/n said, grabbing Jungkook's hand. She tried to pull Jungkook up from his bed but she couldn't.

Obsession - Jungkook FFWhere stories live. Discover now