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After Calra and Aiden fell asleep y/n silently came to her room. She laid down on her bed and started to think about the future. What is she gonna do if something happens to her eomma, will she be able to control her sibling? Will she be able to give them a good life? Will she be able to keep them happy?

Suddenly y/n realized what stupid things she was thinking about and brushed all the thoughts away. She stood up and took her phone from the side table. She dialed her eomma's number and gave a call. The phone kept ringing but no one picked it up.

Y/n: Eomma, where are you?

Y/n plopped on her bed and laid there with her hand on her face.Her eyes were about to get closed when suddenly her phone ranged up. She jerked up, took the phone in her hand and checked the called ID. Finally relief to her overthinking ass. It was her eomma. She received the call.

Y/n: Hello? Eomma? Where are you? I've been worrying for you so much.

She asked, trying not to scream.

Y/e/n: I'm sorry to make you worry baby. I'm at the hospital in Taiwan and.....don't worry I'll be ok.

Y/n's heart jumped up to her throat hearing her eomma.

Y/n: Hospital!?! Why!? How?! When!? And why in Taiwan!?

Y/e/n: Y/n Y/n, dear calm down calm down.

Y/n: You're telling me to calm down!? How!? How am I supposed to calm myself down!?

Y/e/n: Y/n dear, you'll have to calm down if you want to hear the reason. 

Y/n: ok ok.

Y/e/n: Now take a deep breath and let it out.

Y/n took a deep breath and let it out as her eomma said.

Y/n: I'm ok now.

Y/e/n: Good. Then listen, I'll be fine.

Y/n: I'm happy to hear that eomma but that's not the thing I want to hear.

Y/e/n huffed.

Y/e/n: Ish~~ this girl~ as stubborn as her father.

Y/n: I know. Now tell me.

Y/e/n: k fine. Last month I and my crewmate scientists made a vaccine for a disease called *****. After making that we all decided that I and other 5 crewmates will go for it's trial.

Y/n: What!? Are you crazy!?

Y/e/n: Y/n y/n, I'll be absolutely fine dear. I'll have no problems anymore. 

Y/n: Eomma, you really need to stop this. What if one day.....something happens to you? Have you ever thought about us? About me ok not me at least Clara and Aiden? They're only 7. They are too young to lose you.

Y/n said with her cracked voice while a fountain of tears came out of her eyes.

Y/e/n: Y/n baby baby calm down. I'll be ok. I'm not going anywhere. I'll stay with you. Forever.

Y/n stopped crying and whipped her tears.

Y/e/n: And even if something happened to me.........I know you'll be there for Clara and Aiden. You're their second eomma. I know I will be able to do it.

Y/n: Stop talking nonsense. You're going nowhere. You said that yourself.

Y/e/n: Yes I'm not going anywhere.

Y/n: What happened after the vaccine was pushed into you.

Y/e/n: Oh, after that we guys were fine till last week the vaccine started to show side effects. We started to get high fevers and some rashes. We informed it to the government and the government brought us here. But don't worry we'll be fine.

Y/n sobbed.

Y/n: But when? I miss you so much. I thought after coming home I'll give you a tight hug but....

Y/n's sobbing sounds were being heard by y/e/n while she covered her own sobbing sounds with a pillow. 

Y/n: Do you know how much Clara and Aiden misses you? They can't sleep because they get nightmares. They miss you a lot eomma. It gives me so much pain to see them like this. Comeback home eomma. I want to hug you and spend some time with you.

Y/e/n: I will baby, I will. I need to go now. Bye dear.

Y/n: bye.

Then y/e/n disconnected the call.

Y/n: What am I gonna do?

Y/n said sobbing and trying to whip her tears. Then she laid down and fell asleep.


Y/n woke up at 6 am just to prepare her siblings for their school. She came to her sibling's room and woke them up. 

Y/n: Wakie wakie babies~~ you're gonna get late for school. Wake up and get ready. I'm down stairs making your breakfasts. Common hurry up.

Aiden: 5 minutes more noona.

Aiden said with a sleepy voice while Clara sat up on her bed.

Y/n: oh no you don't.

Y/n shaked and tickled Aiden.

Y/n: wake up wake up wake up.

Aiden: ok ok ok.

Aiden said giggling.

Y/n: Fine I'm going down stairs.

Clara: ok.

Aiden: ok

Then y/n went down stairs and her siblings started to get ready.

After they were getting ready and eating breakfast y/n took the house keys and ran out of the house.

Y/n: We need to hurry guys~~

Aiden: But noona we're 30 minutes early.

Clara nodded in agreement.

Y/n: Aww babies, I'm sorry it's just that my class starts at the same time as yours. That's why I'm doing this.

Clara: It's ok. Aiden talks too much.

Aiden: You brat.

Y/n giggled.

Y/n: ok ok no fight. Hurry up or I might get late for my class.

Aiden: OK!~

Then they started to go to Clara and Aiden's school.

While they were on their way suddenly someone tapped y/n's shoulder. Y/n looked behind her and saw it was Jungkook.

Jungkook: Hi~ good morning.

Y/n: oh hi~ good morning to you too.

Jungkook nodded and looked at the kids.

Jungkook: Good Morning to you too kids.

Aiden and Clara bowed.

Aiden: Good morning, hyung.

Clare: Good morning, oppa.

Jungkook smiled at them and looked at y/n.

Jungkook: You were taking them to school?

Y/n: Yeah.

Jungkook: But why you?

Y/n: eomma is on a business trip and......I don't have my appa.

Jungkook: oh, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to.

Y/n: it's fine it's fine that was a long time ago.

Jungkook:'re going to college after dropping them at school, right?

Y/n nodded.

Jungkook: Can I join you?

Y/n giggled.

Y/n: You already did silly~

Jungkook didn't even notice when he had become y/n's go along partner.

Jungkook: Oh yeah. Haha

Y/n: silly boy.

Y/n said giggling.

Obsession - Jungkook FFWhere stories live. Discover now