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Third person's POV

Jungkook and y/n were on their way to Y/n's siblings' school to receive them from there. 

They were talking about their childhood memories and laughing all the way. The more Jungkook spends time with y/n, the more he gets attached to her. He's falling speed keeps speeding up every time y/n looks at him and laughs at his joke. Y/n's magic keeps growing on him every second by second. 

While they were going through a dark area y/n suddenly stopped walking and gripped on Jungkook's arm. Jungkook got confused and looked at y/n.

Jungkook: What happened?

Y/n didn't say anything, she just signed him to look in front of them. Jungkook gulped and looked in front of them. There he saw two people staring at them. They had knives in their hands and they were heading right towards them.

Jungkook looked at y/n again and saw she was scared and sweat was forming on her forehead. Y/n gulped and started to think for a way to get herself and Jungkook out of this mess. Her palm was sweating in stress and fear. 

Those two guys came to y/n, Jungkook and stood in front of them. One of them pointed a knife at y/n's throat and one of them pointed a knife at Jungkook's. Jungkook was still looking at y/n and watching her expression. Y/n took a step backwards and pulled Jungkook with her.

Y/n: What do you want?

Those guys give y/n a smug smile.

Goon 1: Give us all the valuable things you have. 

Y/n: We don't have anything with us. 

Goon 2: Don't lie girl. Don't you fear death?

Y/n: I'm not telling lies. 

Goon 2: show us your bags.

Y/n: Sure, have a look. 

Y/n gave her bag to the goons. They searched her bag but there was nothing but books and notes.

Goon 1: Damn it! Show us the boy's bag now!

Jungkook was ignoring the guy, so the thug got stressed out and almost cut his cheek, but y/n saved him by moving him away.

Y/n: Wo wo wo. Please don't be so impatient.

Y/n looked at Jungkook and signed.

Y/n: Jungkook, can I have your bag?

Jungkook gave her his bag without thinking twice.

Y/n: thanks. Here.

Y/n gave Jungkook's bag to those thugs. They checked the bag and again they found nothing but books and notes. The thugs got furious and screamed their lungs out.

Goon 1: Trash! Nothing but trash!

The other goon looked at Jungkook and saw he was staring at him with no expression on his face. Seeing that he got more furious.

Goon 2: What are you looking at?!

He almost hit Jungkook with his knife but y/n again saved him.

Y/n: Jungkook watch it!

Y/n pushed Jungkook away and saved him but while doing that her arm got wounded by the knife. 

Y/n: Ah!

Blood started to come out of her wand and drop from her fingers. Jungkook was staring at y/n with a shocked expression while struggling to process what happened just now.

Y/n: That's enough! I guess you guys want it to end in a hard way.

Y/n got in her full protective mode and punched one of the goons in the face, sending him flying on the hard road.

Goon 1: You ****ing *****!

Screaming that he came running towards y/n with his knife. Y/n grabbed him by the hand he had the knife in and slammed him on the rock hard road. She brought both his hands on his back and got over him. She threw the weapon away and punched him on his head. She held his both hands with one hand and grabbed his hair with another. She pulled his hair and slammed his head on the road again and again until he became unconscious. Then she moved away and stood beside him. 

Y/n: This is what you get for trying to hurt my friend!

She kicked that guy for the last time and came to Jungkook. Jungkook who was still in a shooked mode jolted out of his thoughts when he saw y/n in front of him.

Y/n: you ok, kook?

Y/n said, placing her hand on his cheek. Jungkook kept staring at her eyes.

Y/n: Jungkook say something!!

Y/n started to get worried about her friend. She was about to tap his face when Jungkook broke down in tears.

Jungkook: I- *sob* I'm sorry *sob*

Y/n's eyes softened. She hugged him and patted his back to comfort him.

Y/n: I'm sorry~~ i didn't want to scare you. I'm so sorry.

Y/n kept patting Jungkook's back.

Jungkook: It *sob* It's not *sob* that *sob* *sob*

Y/n looked at Jungkook and softly placed her hand on Jungkook's shoulder.

Y/n: Then what is it?

Jungkook: You *sob* were fighting there *sob* all alone and..

The sobbing got more and more fast.

Jungkook:.... I couldn't do anything.

He broke down in tears again. Y/n hugged Jungkook again and tried to calm him down.

Y/n: It's ok, kook. What just happened, happened. We can't undo it now. Stop crying. Shhh

Y/n broke the hug and tried to stand up but she fell down. Before she could hit the hard ground Jungkook jumped under her and saved her. Y/n fell on Jungkook's lap and looked at him. 

Y/n: tha- thanks, kook.

Jungkook: It's ok. 

Jungkook noticed y/n was shaking. Then he looked at her hoodie and saw it half way soaked in blood. 

Jungkook: Oh my god, y/n we need to get you to the hospital! You lost so much blood!

Y/n looked at her hoodie.

Y/n: oh. Yeah, that.

Jungkook stood up and reached a hand towards y/n. Y/n held that hand and stood up. When she was about to start walking Jungkook pulled her in his arms in bridle style and started running.

Y/n: Oi I can walk.

Jungkook: Believe me you can't. You're shaking. Let me help you with this.

Jungkook said running. 

Y/n: Ok, you're helping me but do you know where the hospital is?

Jungkook stopped running and looked at y/n with his innocent eyes. 

Jungkook: No.

Y/n softly smiled.

Y/n: Ok, keep going I'll tell you the direction. But please put me down. I know I'm heavy.

Jungkook: No.

Y/n rolled her eyes.

Obsession - Jungkook FFWhere stories live. Discover now