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Third person's POV

After that Y/n and Jungkook picked up the kids from their School and came back home.

At night

Y/n comes out of the washroom and plops on her bed. She groans as she regrets eating tteokbokki. Aiden who was sitting on the couch chuckled

Aiden: that's exactly what happens when you eat without us.

As soon as he said that Clara smacked the back of his head.

Aiden: Ow!- what was that for??

Y/n: who taught you to talk like that?

Y/n asked Aiden

Clara: Unnie is in pain and all you can think about is eating

Saying that she crowled on Y/n's bed. She started patting Y/n's head

Clara: I hope your's soon

Y/n: Unupset?

Y/n said as she chuckles

Crala: I don't know the word.

Y/n pulls her in a hug and kisses her forehead.

Y/n: You're so cute~

Aiden cleared his throat to make Y/n look at him, so she does.

Y/n: aw~ baby Aiden jelly?

Aiden: I'M NOT!

Y/n giggled

Y/n: Tsundere~ come here!

Aiden ran to them. Y/n hugged him and kissed his forehead too.

Aiden: I love you so much, noona~

Aiden says and he sleepily rubs his eye. Y/n looked at clara and saw her yawning too. She softly smiles and kisses their forehead for the last time.

Y/n: I love you guys too. Time to go to sleep babies~

Clara: unnie?

Y/n: hmm?

Clara: when will eomma come back?

Y/n flinches.

Y/n: s-soon baby. Very soon.

Clara: Promise?

Y/n cherished her cheek

Y/n: Promise, my love.

Clara: ok~

Clara said as she took another big yawn.

Y/n: aww my sleepy babies~

Saying that when she looked at Aiden, she saw him peacefully sleeping in her arms. She smiles and signs. She takes Aiden in one arm and stands up.

Y/n: come here.

Y/n took Clara on her other arm. Then she took them to their room and tugged them in bed

Crala: I love you, unnie

Clara said sleepily.

Y/n: I love you too. Goodnight~

Clara: mhm...

Y/n tippy-toed to the door and slowly closes it behind her as she leaves. Then she came back to her room. She sat on her bed and stared at the floor blankly for some minutes then took her phone to call someone.

She called on her eomma's number. It kept ringing and ringing but no one received it. She tried again and again but no one received it. She threw her phone on the bed and covered her face with a pillow. She screamed and cried on the pillow so no one could hear her. By the time she removed the pillow from her face her eyes and lips were already swollen. She sat up and looked at the mirror.


She says as she shrugs. She started to feel uncomfortable and suffocated so she came to the balcony. She let her hair down and massaged her scalp and she took deep breaths of fresh night air. She stood there for a while when she suddenly noticed something.

A very cute bunny like Jungkook in his pajamas jumping on his balcony. He was waving at her to make her notice him.
Y/n noticed him and waved back as she smiled. Then she took her phone from her room and called him. Jungkook picked up the call the moment the phone started ringing.

Jungkook: hi~ hehehe

Y/n chuckles

Y/n: Hello~ what are you doing on the balcony this late at night?

Jungkook: I noticed you from my window so I came here.

Y/n: oh~

Jungkook: What are YOU doing on the balcony this late at night?

Y/n: Well....I was feeling a little suffocated so I came for some fresh air.

Jungkook: oh~

Suddenly Jungkook's tummy growls really loud

Y/n: ......

Jungkook: .......

Y/n: Um....

Jungkook: w-wait a minute please. Excuse me-

Saying that he put his phone down and ran to the washroom.

"Oop-" Y/n thought.

After some minutes Jungkook came back. about that.

Y/n: .......

Jungkook: .......

Y/n: you have an upset tummy too?!

Jungkook: You too?!

Y/n: .....yep..

Jungkook laughs.

Y/n: ya~ don't laugh~

Y/n said embarrassed.

Jungkook: I knew that was a bad idea.

Y/n: oh yeah Mr. Know it all? Then why didn't you stop us?

Jungkook: Would've you guys stopped if I told you to?

Y/ don't think so

Jungkook: yep


Jungkook: Yes

Y/n: ugh~ whatever. Now I'm regretting it.

Jungkook laughed again.

Y/n: Don't laugh or your stomach will never unupset!

Jungkook instantly stopped laughing.

Y/n: ........

Jungkook: D-did you just say "unupset"?

Y/n:.......I guess I did....don't laugh.

Jungkook: ..ok....where did you even get that?

Y/n: Clara made it up cause she couldn't find the right word.

Jungkook chuckles

Jungkook: pretty usable

Y/n: it is~

Jungkook: hmm~

Then both of them just stared at each other in comfortable silence for a few minutes.

Y/n: should we call Babe up?

Jungkook: Jeawoon?

Y/n: Yeah.

Jungkook: pretty sure she's going through the same thing as we are

Y/n: haha true. Let's check up on her.

Jungkook: Ok

Then y/n made a group call. Jungkook joined first and then after some minutes jeawoon joined the call.

Jeawoon: Babe~

Jeawoon called Y/n while groaning

Y/n: oOoo~ that sounds horrible...

Jungkook: yep...

Jeawoon: Babies~ I'm dying! please help me! My butt is burning!!!

Y/n and Jungkook starts laughing

Just like that the night went away

Obsession - Jungkook FFWhere stories live. Discover now