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The next morning

Y/n's POV 

I woke up from a loud bangging on my front door. I slowly opened my eyes and picked up my sleepy ass body from the warm cuddly bed. I look at the clock and it's only 5:15 am

Y/n: .......who the fuck-

I was cut by another loud bangging on the door. I rubbed my temples and walked up to the front door.

Y/n: Who is it....

I said sleepily.

???: o!? Are you still sleeping?!

I flicked my sleepy eyes open and slammed the door open.

Y/n: Oppa!?

There in front of me was Hoseok and Jin oppa standing with paint and flowers in their hands.

Jin Oppa: Good morning, Princess.

I stared at them in confusion. Hoseok Oppa tilted his head.

Hoseok oppa: o? Did you forget it's a festive day in town? 

I gasped hearing him.

Y/n: WHAT!?! ALREADY!?! 

Jin oppa: yep!

Jin oppa said with a smile. I calmed down a bit and looked at the paint and flowers.

Y/n: Oh....sorry, I forgot about it..

Jin oppa: it's fine~ 

Hoseok oppa patted my head.

Hoseok Oppa: We know what you're going through. It's normal to forget things sometimes. Let's get to work.

Jin oppa: we need to paint a whole street and decorate the area AND HAVE TO WAKE UP OTHERS TO HELP US TOO!! THESE GUYS NEVER COME AT TIME!!

I laughed a little.

Y/n: You're right, oppa. But I don't have paint or colours...what do I do now? 

Hoseok Oppa giggled

Hoseok oppa: we took care of it. Just get ready and come with us. We need to do the work before everyone wakes up.

I nodded.

Y/n: You guys come in first. Just give me 5 minutes. I'll be back!

Saying that, I dashed to my room. I threw on some hoodie and trousers and ran back to Hoseok and Jin oppa.

Y/n: I'm back!

Hoseok oppa: oOo~ that was fast.

Y/n: Yep!

Jin oppa: Ok, let's go.

Then I locked the front door and went with the oppas. We came to the street where Namjoon oppa, Jeawoon and Hoseok oppa's friend Yoongi oppa and his 2 cousins Taehyung, Jimin and many others joined us.

3 hours later

All the decorations and street painting were done. Hoseok oppa groaned.

Hoseok oppa: ow~ my neck hurts~

Y/n: me too~ my arms hurtttt~

Jin oppa: and my back hurts

Jeawoon: You're getting old

Saying that, she laughed. Jin oppa rolled his eyes in annoyance. Taehyung and Jimin laughed their asses off. 

Y/n: Guys~ stop teasing him~ 

I said, chuckling. Jin oppa looked at me, looking betrayed.

Jin oppa: Y/n~ even you're laughing at meee!~

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