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Jungkook: That was unexpected.


Saying that Jungkook again took his phone out which he hid under his butt when his eomma came.

"You're gonna be mine..y/n.." he thought roaming his eyes at every inch of y/n's picture with a soft vibe in his eyes. 


Jungkook came out of the shower while drying his hair with a towel. He came to his bag to take out some clothes but when he put his hand inside the bag something sharp poked him. He narrowed his eyebrows and looked inside his bag. Something shiny caught his attention and he took it out of his bag.

Jungkook: How did this come here!?

Jungkook was shocked to see y/n's student ID in his hand. He analysed it and found out that it's sharp corner poked him.

Jungkook: How is this possible? Weren't you with Jeawoon? How did you end up in my bag?

Jungkook took out his phone to call Jeawoon and tell her that y/n's student ID was with him but then he suddenly realized that he doesn't have their numbers.

Jungkook: Aish~~ I forgot to take their number~~ Now how am I supposed to return this to y/n?

He said rubbing his right eye with the back part of his hand in stress.

After some minutes of thinking he got tired and stopped thinking about it.

Jungkook: Aish! I'll give this to her at the class.

Saying that he shoved that ID inside his pant's pocket. He put on a t-shirt and started to scroll through his phone again. 

Mrs.Jeon: Jungkook dear~~~ lunch is ready~~ Come down. I'm waiting. 

Mrs.Jeon called out Jungkook for lunch. Jungkook stood up from his bed and came down stairs.

Jungkook: I'm here.

Mrs.Jeon: Come dear, have some lunch and then I have work for you.

Jungkook confusedly looked at he's eomma with his doe eyes.

Jungkook: W-work?

Mrs.Jeon: yeah but not now. After lunch.

Jungkook confusedly thought about the work he'll be doing but when he didn't get any answer he stopped thinking about it and focused on having lunch.


After some time Jungkook had finished down his lunch and sat comfortably to relax his stuffed tummy when suddenly his eomma called him.

Mrs.Jeon: Jungkook-ah~

Jungkook looked at his eomma.

Jungkook: Yes eomma?

Mrs.Jeon handed 4 boxes to him. Jungkook looked at them in confusion.

Jungkook: W-what are these? And why are you giving me these?

Mrs.Jeon softly smiled at him. 

Mrs.Jeon: see.....we need to do the family rituals. 

Jungkook's eyes grew wide in fear.

Jungkook: B-But why me? Why not you? You know I don't like to talk to strangers-

Mrs.Jeon cut her son's words by holding his hand.

Mrs.Jeon: It's you cause it helps people to be comfortable with each other and you need it. 

Obsession - Jungkook FFWhere stories live. Discover now