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I came home and sat on the couch.

Y/n: ugh~ my arms hurttttt~

Jeawoon: Jimin oppa is gonna pour a cold bucket on you if you fall asleep now. You know that, right?

Y/n: I know~ I'm not sleeping~

I said, annoyed.

Y/n: Sometimes I feel like he has some screws loose in that head of his. I'm so tired!! I just wanna sleep~

I said, pouting.

Jeawoon: You're weird when you're tired.

Y/n: that I am. What time is it?

Jeawoon: 8:32

I nodded, and suddenly, I heard a thump sound from upstairs. I sighed

Y/n: Kids are up

I said, massaging my temples.

Jeawoon: What in the-

Y/n: You'll see just in a minute.

Jeawoon looked at me confused. In response, I just nodded and signed her to look at the stairway. She looked in that direction, and suddenly, a panicking Aiden came down running, and behind him, a furious Clara was chasing him with a shoe


Jeawoon: ...........

Y/n: yep....

Jeawoon: Life is hard, huh?

I chuckled.

Y/n: it is, but it's fun too.

Jeawoon: Ha.....sure. ok, now let's go. We need to get ready.

I nodded and got up from the couch.

Y/n: I don't know what to wear.

Jeawoon: Well, let's go check your closet then.

Y/n: Ok. Let me call Clara and Aiden first

Jeawoon nodded.


Y/n: Clara, what do you wanna wear? The blue one? The purple one? Or the pink one?

Clara: I want to wear the orange one...

Jeawoon: But that wasn't even an opti-

I covered jeawoon's mouth and smiled at Cara.

Y/n: ok~ the orange one it is~

I picked out an orange outfit from her closet. Clara took the outfit and hopped away to the bathroom like a happy bunny.

Jeawoon: Don't you think you're spoiling them?

Y/n: I don't do this to them everyday~ I occasionally give them the freedom to make their own choices.

Jewaoon: Aren't they too young to make their own decisions?

Y/n: I don't want to make their life the same as mine.

Jeawoon stood there in silence.

Y/n: c'mon now~ choose mine! I'm confused. Which one should I wear?

Jeawoon: ooOoOo~ This one. It's so obvious-

She said, pointing at a dress in the corner of my closet.

Y/n: This one???????

Jeawoon: there any problem with this one?

Y/n: I don't know.. I never wore it. And it.....eomma's..

Jeawoon: THIS IS YOUR EOMMA'S!??!?!??!?!

Y/n: Yeah.....

Obsession - Jungkook FFWhere stories live. Discover now