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Jungkook, Aiden, and Jimin went to the stall where Y/n, Clara, and jeawoon were. Jungkook looked around for Y/n, imagining her in a feminine outfit. His expectations were high, and he was blushing slightly. But all his expectations drowned in holy water when he saw Y/n, Clara, and Jeawoon walking out of the dressing room wearing three banana suites

Jungkook: Uh....

Aiden: ....what the f-

Jungkook covered Aiden's mouth with his hand.

Jimin: Looking good ladies~

three of them laughed. Namjoon and the other came out in the men dressing room wearing the same banana suites, too

Aiden: You guys too!?!?


All of them giggled, and then Y/n spoke up.

Y/n: ok, ok. Now get these three dressed up, and then we'll take group protein photos.

Aiden: No way -

Jimin and jungkook: ok!

Aiden looked at his hyungs in disbelief, and Jungkook, jimin gave him a mischievous look

Aiden: No, you don't

Jimin gave Jungkook a look, and Jungkook nodded. They both grabbed Aiden and dragged him away to the dressing, too.

Aiden: noOooOoOO!!!

all of them laughed at Aiden's overreaction

After that, they took pictures in their banana suites and then moved on to other things. They ate a lot of snacks and participated in boat races. Jeawon and Namjoon won the first prize, Jimin and tae won the second and Jungkook, and Y/n the third. After the boat race, it was time to get down. Jungkook saw some participants, mostly couples romantically helping their female partners to get down because they were scared.

Jungkook looked at Y/n and saw she was hesitating as the boat was wobbling. Jungkook closed his eyes and smirked. "This is a great chance," he thought. He was thinking of becoming the cool one here by helping her, but when he opened his eyes, he saw Y/n was already off from the boat and holding her hand out towards him to help him get down.

Y/n: Come on, jungkook~

"What in the name of reverse cinderella" Jungkook thought. Y/n was still holding her hand out like Prince Charming. Jungkook blushed

Y/n: c'mon.

Jungkook gave her his hand and got off the boat. While getting off, Jungkook slipped and almost fell into the water, but Y/n caught him

Y/n: oop- be careful

Jungkook: y-yeah.. sorry.

Jungkook was really embarrassed. Y/n chuckled

Y/n: No problem.

Then Y/n dragged him to the other part of the festival. There were a lot of flower stalls and ornament stalls here. Loud music was going on, and people were dancing on the beat. Some were filming tiktoks and some were just enjoying the time with their loved ones. All of them were walking by the flower stalls when Jungkook noticed how y/n was glancing at the flowers every chance she got. So he softly patted Y/n's shoulder. Y/n looked at him

Y/n: Hmm?

Jungkook: Do you want flowers?

y/n blushed.

Y/n: o-oh no. It's just that they look lovely.

Jungkook: oh... OK...

Saying that he started to ran away somewhere

Obsession - Jungkook FFWhere stories live. Discover now