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Time skip

It was night time so everyone was at their home. Jungkook took his backpack to go somewhere. He came downstairs where his mom called him before he could go out. 

Mrs.Jeon: Jungkook dear!

Jungkook paused where he was and looked at her with fear. 

Jungkook: Y-yes eomma?

Mrs.Jeon: Where are you going?

Mrs.Jeon asked while whipping her hands after washing the utensils.

Jungkook: oh um...I'm going out with my friends. They said they wanted to hangout. 

Jungkook said nervously. Mrs. Jeon smiled

Mrs.Jeon: ok. Go ahead. But don't be too late. 

Jungkook smiled

Jungkook: Ok eomma.

Saying that he came out of the house slamming the door shut.

Jungkook: Let's get this done. He must pay for what he did. 

He looked at the time and thought about something. Then he came to the back yard of his house and started running from there. 


Mike was sitting on his study table chair with his alcohol bottle when suddenly he heard a sound on his window.

He came to check what it was but when he opened the door someone pushed him and jumped inside his room.

Mike: What the f-

Before he could complete his sentence that guy tied up his mouth tight. Mick looked at the person and his eyes went wide. 

Jungkook: Yes it's me~ scared.

Jungkook said, chuckling like a psychopath. 

Mike: HMMMM!!!!

Mike tried to scream but no point. Jungkook had tied the cloth too tight. He wanted to punch Jungkook but he couldn't lift his arms up. Jungkook was tying his arms too. He tried to break free but Jungkook was crazy strong. After tying his hands Jungkook pulled out a duck tape and wrapped up Mike's legs together. And taped them to the ground so he can't make sound with his legs.

Mike: HMMMMM!!!

Jungkook: What?~ you wanna break free? Sad~ I can't let you~ you touched my Y/n after all~

Jungkook said and chuckled.

Jungkook: You're gonna have to die tonight~

Mike was shocked and scared. He started crying in fear.

Jungkook: Don't you wanna know how I came here?

Mike wanted to shake his head but Jungkook forced his head to stay still.

Jungkook: You'll have to know. Don't you wanna know how your murderer came before you die? Of course You'll have to know.

Jungkook chuckled.

Jungkook: I noticed that all the safety cameras were directed towards the street. So I came from behind your house. I know you're gonna get drunk tonight. I climbed the pipes of your house and came here. I knocked your window and you're so stupid that you even opened it. 

Jungkook chuckled again. 

Mick: HMMM!!

Jungkook: Now say goodbye to this world. Bye bye.

Jungkook started choking him. Mike tried to break free again and again but he couldn't. Slowly his vision started to get blurry and the urge to breathe was becoming less and lesser. And then everything ended. A teardrop fell from his lifeless eye and hands stopped fighting. Jungkook let go of him and sat beside him for a minute.

Obsession - Jungkook FFWhere stories live. Discover now