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(Third person's POV)

Y/n was sitting on her seat chewing on her thumbnail while two people around her were staring and judging her because of the sudden change in her behavior. 

Jeawoon: Y/n! Girl~ what's wrong with you? 

Jeawoon said, shaking Y/n a little. Y/n jerked out of her thoughts and looked at her. 

Y/n: oh, h-huh? D-did you say something? 

Y/n said all confused. Jeawoon and Jungkook looked at each other with questioning face. 

Jeawoon: babe, we've been glaring at you since like... I don't know. 

Jungkook: One hour. 

Jungkook completed Jeawoon words. 

Jeawoon: Yeah, one hour but you didn't even notice it. Is something wrong?

Y/n huffed.

Y/n: it's nothing guys.

Jeawoon and Jungkook kept staring at y/n like she was the most precious thing on earth.

Y/n: Why are you two staring at me like that?

Jeawoon looked at Jungkook again and then looked back at Y/n.

Jeawoon: babe, I know something is wrong. Jungkook told me you were spacing out when you two were talking on the way coming here. And he even told me that it felt like you were faking a smile, Right Jungkook?

Jeawoon asked Jungkook and he innocently nodded.

Jeawoon: babe you never space out during a conversation, you never fake a smile and most importantly, never space out during the class.

Y/n looked at Jeawoon a little bit surprised.

Y/n: Huh? What?

Jeawoon: yeah. You missed one and a half class today.

Y/n looked at Jungkook with wide eyes.

Jungkook: Yes, you missed the full Korean class and half of the biology class.

Y/n: What? I-

Jeawoon: Yes, you spaced out.

Y/n frowned in annoyance and softly laid her head on her desk.

Jeawoon: You didn't respond to the professor's call so he thought that you were sick. We were about to call you for him but he told us not to disturb you.

Jungkook nodded.

Jeawoon: What's wrong with you babe?

Y/n: I- I can't tell you about this here. Let's go out first.

Jeawoon: OK.

Jeawoon stood up in the middle of the class.

Jeawoon: Professor!

The professor looked at her.

Professor: Yes, Ms. Jeawoon?

Jeawoon: Y/n's not feeling ok. Can I and Jungkook take her to the nurses office?

Professor: Oh! Ms. Y/n is sick?! Sure sure. Go go hurry up hurry up.

Jeawoon: Thankyou professor.

Professor: No problem. I'll send you the notes later.

Jeawoon nodded and all three of them came out of the classroom. They went to the nurses office and the nurse was shocked to see them there.

Nurse: oyo! Why are you guys here? Are you guys sick?

Obsession - Jungkook FFWhere stories live. Discover now