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Suddenly the door knob broke open. We three got shocked and stood there silently in surprise. Someone from the inside slowly opened the door wide and mah was namjoon oppa standing there with a broken doorknob in his hand. He was looking at us with a shocked expression. He was star-shrugged himself. Me and Jeawoon weirdly chuckled at him.

Namjoon oppa: he he, h-hi!

Namjoon oppa said with a weird chuckle while throwing that nod away somewhere.

Y/n: Hi oppa! How are you doing these days?

Namjoon oppa scratched the back of his neck.

Namjoon oppa: you saw what I did there. It's becoming worse day by day.

Jeawoon laughed at him. I gave her a death glare from the corner.

Jeawoon: aww, sorry sorry sorry sorry. I didn't mean to.

Namjoon oppa: it's ok. So, what are you guys here for?

Then I spoke up.

Y/n: Oh oppa, you got a new roommate.

Namjoon oppa: Oh really!? I didn't know anything about it.

He said looking at the chart sheet hanging on his room's wall.

Y/n: Actually it was all of a sudden. So, professors didn't have the time to tell anybody.

Oppa nodded understanding the thing. I softly elbowed Jungkook with my elbow. He looked at me.

Y/n: Um.......introduce yourself to your room mate.

I asked him to introduce himself to namjoon oppa but then I remembered he ain't gonna do that. The atmosphere started to get awkward.

Y/n: Um..........he he he. So.......what do you........ know your new room mate is a little shy. Let me introduce him to you. He is Jeon jungkook. He's a new transfer student in our class. And... ..Jungkook, this is Kim Namjoon, my mentor and a student in last year. He is the student president.

I said to cut the thick layer of awkwardness which was flowing in the air.

Namjoon oppa: yeah, hi. Nice to meet you. Oh, anyway, welcome a new roommate. 

He said with a big smile and opened the door wider for Jungkook to go inside. Seeing oppa's smile, Jeawoon was in aww. 

Jeawoon: ahhhh, so cute!

Jeawoon said in namjoon oppa style and I broke into laughter. Actually, Jeawoon is quite good at imitating people. She can imitate our professors, our head professor, our canteen lady, the duck, the cat, the parro...............sorry sorry sorry. Anyway, Namjoon oppa gave us a bear smile and patted our heads. He always does that.

Y/n: Ok, I think we should go now, Bye.

Saying that I looked at Jeawoon and she nodded.

Jeawoon: Yeah let's go. Bye oppa, Bye Jungkook. Oh yeah one last thing, Please try not to break Jungkook.

I chuckled. Namjoon oppa smiled and nodded.

Namjoon oppa: I'll try my best.

Y/n: bye guys.

We waved our hand at them and came back to our room. 
The moment we came here Jeawoon plopped flat on my bed and started to stretch her body.

Y/n: have your bed too....why are you doing that in my bed.

Jeawoon: yah.....babe, it's not like I'm farting on your bed. I'm just stretching.

I huffed.

Y/n: it's not that. It's just........I'm tired too. I wanna lay down too.

I said yawning. She opened her arms.

Jeawoon: Then what are you waiting for? Come to me, my baby.

I plopped on her arms. She kissed me on my forehead and brushed my hair with her fingers. She behaves like an eomma sometimes. Her fingers were tickling on my scalp and it felt good. Then slowly darkness started to cover everything and soon everything became black.


Jungkook was staring at the sky from the room's window. He was fully focused on the sky like he was seeing something really beautiful. Actually he was thinking. Thinking about what happened today. Earlier than today he was never helped and supported. He never made any friends in his whole life because they used to make him feel uncomfortable and they always told him he was a misfit. Y/n is the first person who made him feel this spacial and didn't make him feel uncomfortable. 

''She's something special.'' He thought in his messy mind. He started to smile without even realizing what he was doing. He realized it when he touched his lips. He was amazed to see y/n's reaction to him. In his whole life no one managed to make him smile or make him stay without his mask. But y/n made it both possible. ''She even successfully got rid of my habits.'' Jungkook secretly giggled.

He ran a finger on his left cheek's brush. He whimpered when it hurt.

???: That was a bad idea.

Suddenly someone spoke up from the background. He looked there and saw it was namjoon.

He had his arms crossed over his chest. Making him look like an angry professor.

Namjoon: You should never touch your brushes like that. It might get infected and it will hurt a lot too.

Jungkook looked at the bed sheet in embarrassment.

Namjoon: need to be embarrassed. Even i sometimes make these mistakes. Btw how did you even get these brushes? These look really painful.

Jungkook looked at namjoon and analysed his face. When he felt he was trustworthy enough, he spoke up.

Jungkook: i-I had a fight with a bully.

Namjoon nodded understanding the thing.

Namjoon: Must be sahun.

Namjoon said, rubbing his temple.

Namjoon: This idiot is becoming a big problem day by day..... Anyway you're with y/n now. She won't let anything happen to you. You're in good hands.

He said with a bear smile on his face. But..........his smile dropped when he dropped a water glass on the floor. Which caused it to break into pieces. He looked at Jungkook with a 'so done' expression. 

Namjoon: and try to stay away from my hands.

He said and started to clean the mess he created. Jungkook kept staring at Namjoon but when he got bored he looked back at the sky.

''Yeah sure, I'm in good hands'' *smirks*

Obsession - Jungkook FFWhere stories live. Discover now