Chapter~ 27

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Jungkook dragged me to his room and closed the door behind us. I thought his room would be messy, but it was more clean than I expected, but there was a problem. His underwear was everywhere.

Y/n: Um...

Jungkook got as red as a tomato and turned me around in the door's direction. I saw how embarrassed he was

Jungkook: I'm sorry. P-please give me a minute

He ran like his life depends on it. I stood there looking at the door as he did his work.

Jungkook: Y-you can look now.

I turned around and saw all the underwear were gone. I smiled at him to make him think everything was ok, but I think I made it worse. I saw him evolving into a beetroot from a tomato.

Y/n: errr..... please, there is nothing to be embarrassed about here. This is your room and of course you'll have some personal things here and there. It's fine.

Jungkook just stood there with his head low and nodded.

Y/n: So um... l-lets get you ready?

Jungkook looked at me, and his eyes sparkled in hope. I flashed a bright smile at him.

Y/n: Ok, let's get you ready~

Jungkook: I... don't have anything fancy to wear, actually...

I tilted my head, hearing him say that.

Y/n: You don't?

Jungkook shook his head

Y/n: Can I see?

Jungkook opened his closet for me. I went yo his closet and gently touched every clothing item he had. He really didn't have anything to wear. I felt like I got myself in trouble.

Y/n: You're right....

I looked at Jungkook

Y/n: Do you not have anything bright to wear? And not a hoodie?

Jungkook: I do have shirts and t-shirts, but they're not bright coloured.

Y/n: Oh....

I scratched the back of my head and tried to come up with an idea, but I wasn't able to. Just when I thought of calling Jin oppa and borrowing one of his shirts, someone knocked on Jungkook's door. We both looked at the door. Jungkook went ahead and opened the door. I peeked from behind. It was Jungkook's dad.

Jungkook: appa?

Mr. Jeon: I knew you didn't really have anything to wear so I brought you some clothes. Hope they will fit you.

His dad brought him a sage green shirt and an off-white pants with belts. I saw Jungkkok eyes sparkled in happiness. He hugged his dad.

Jungkook: Thank you, appa.

Mr. Jeon patted his back, handed him the clothes, and walked away. Jungkook looked at me with a bright bunny smile and a slight blush. I felt how happy he was by getting hugged and patted by his dad. I chuckled.

Y/n: You and your dad have a really good relationship, huh?

Jungkook: Yeah.. kind of..

I brightly smiled at him.

Y/n: Alright, now that you have clothes to wear, quickly get ready. I'll be waiting for you outside the room, hm?

I asked with a bright smile.

Jungkook: Ok.

Then I came out of his room and straight went to Jeawoon. There I saw her feasting on the snacks Mrs. Jeon gave her. I giggled. She looked at me.

Jeawoon: I love his parents, babe.

Y/n: I can see that~

Jeawoon: mmm hehe

I just smiled at her. Then, after a few minutes, Jungkook came out of his room all dressed. I smiled at him. He looked at me and came to me.

Jungkook: Do I look ok?

Jeawoon, who was eating, was looking like her jaw dropped seeing him. I nodded at Jungkook's question.

Y/n: Yes. You look extremely handsome.

I said while smiling

Jeawoon: You're looking like the hot guys you see in a royal core manga. You know, those hot commoners?

I saw how Jungkook became all red. I chuckled. But then I noticed Jungkook's bow tie was lopsided. By instinct, my hand reached out for his bow and adjusted it for him. But then, when I looked at him, he had evolved into a beetroot again. I immediately moved away when I realised what was wrong

Y/n: o-oh, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to-

I heard Jungkook's parents chuckling in the corner. The air was getting too awkward, so I cleared my throat to cut the thick air.

Y/n: So... as we are ready, we should get going. Um.. Clara and Aiden are waiting for us at my house.

Jungkook: y-yeah, let's go.

Then, three of us came out of Jungkook's house. I saw Aiden and Clara looking at us from my house. I waved at them, and they immediately came out of the house and locked the door. Then they came to us. They looked at Jungkook.

Aiden: Hi, Hyung
Clara: Hi, Oppa

Jungkook smiled at them and patted their heads.

Jungkook: Good morning~

Clara & Aiden: Good morning~

"Jungkook is really good with kids" I thought.

Y/n: ok, let's get going~

Clara, Aiden & Jeawoon: YAY~

I chuckled. And then we started to go to the festival.

After a few minutes of walking, we came to a spot where all of us were supposed to meet up. No one was here yet, so we decided to go to the nearby coffee shop and wait for them.

Y/n: So what do you wanna have? The bills on me.

Jungkook: W-why? We can share...

I looked at Jungkook and smiled

Y/n: it's fine. We are friends. I can treat you once. You can treat us later.

I said with a bright smile.

Jeawoon: She just says that. She's gonna pay for the food next time, too.

Jungkook looked at me in disbelief and annoyance with his mouth open.

Jungkook: That's so unfair!

Y/n: N-no, it's not. It's called caring-

Jungkook: no! The bill is on me this time.

Y/n: ...

Jungkook: That face won't work on me.

I smiled

Jungkook: Why are you smiling like that, now?

He was annoyed. I chuckled.

Y/n: it's good to see you this confident.

Jungkook slightly blushed

Jungkook: w-well thankyou.

We were talking and all when suddenly someone hugged me from behind. I turned around and saw it was Taehyung oppa.

Taehyung: hiii~

I smiled at him

Y/n: hii~

I saw Jungkook's smile drop immediately, and he looked at us confusedly.

Obsession - Jungkook FFWhere stories live. Discover now