Part 20

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Coras POV.

i laid there as i felt my body getting stronger by the minute. it was like i didnt black out from straining my body. i couldnt sleep after what i had read, i sat there thinking if tommy had read that earlier would he have killed Newt.

soon there was the sound of a berg outside, multiple bergs. we all got up and Minho helped me out to the Berg. there were the Right arm soldiers all standing there with 3 bergs, i saw gally and he came over and helped Minho take me to a Berg.

"whats happened to you" Gally asked with concern, i slid down a wall and sat there just regaining the energy i just lost as people pilled in. Jorge came in and sat down Next to Minho, we all squished up to get the soldiers and the immune into all the Bergs.

"the baby is straining my energy, at this rate i wont have enough energy for the birth" i mumbled to him, he wrapped his arm around me and pulled me in. Teresa ran up the berg hatch just before it closed and looked down at all of us.

she continued on to sit down further in the Berg. i took a breath and just relaxed against Gally, it was quite a far trip to Wicked headquarters. so everyone just slept for the rest of the Night, Minho grabbed my hand before we went to sleep.

i slept against gally and held Minhos hand. when the berg started to rock back and forth getting rockier by the second.

"we must be here" Gally spoke to me, i was shocked at the sudden rockiness of the but hearing that calmed me a bit.

if you aint scared you aint human remeber that, do it for these people cause Alby wont die for nothing neither will Chuck.  the hatch of the berg opened and all the soldier ran out scanning the area before they all ran towards the building.

i stood up a bit wobbly at first before i marched down the hatch, i walked to the building before there was and explosion, i stumbled into a tree before seeing chucks of the building flying in every direction.

i watched them Smash into the ground causing everything to shake. everyone was soon behind me as we marched into the room, the soldiers pushed us into a smaller room to the left claiming they didnt want us to get hurt so we all sunk down against the wall.

"this is great we cant even get close to the area" Minho called out hoping the soldiers would hear but no responce, Teresa was pushed into the room looking frightened, when she saw us she settled a bit.

"there are immune in the maze. they are going to crush them if they blow this building" she told us as we sat there helpless as could be. we waited a good 5 to 7 minutes before the soldiers guns stopped firing. 

"i need to get through" i boys voice, familiar but different from the last time i heard it. i stood up and turned around. i saw Thomas making his way through the tables and towards the door. i ran out the others followed.

thomas stopped at the door looking at the room we had just come from, Gally stood there unsure whether or not to go. he looked to the right arm and they threatened him, he made his way over to us as we all vanished behind the doors.

we were all running, following the map thomas had Brenda had joined us in those minutes we waited for something. we were all running as we found the room where we fell down the slide. we took the ladder up to the maze and climbed up the other balancing across the make shift bridge from the maze into the griever hole.

we ran through the maze and made it to the glade, i was dead tired my energy was depleating fast. i leaned against the wall of names and Noticed the boys who didnt come with us that day of the escape had crossed all who had names off.

they thought we died, i looked down when a pair of hands snaked around my body, i turned and saw Frypan i smiled and hugged him before pulling back realizing that they were organising stuff. group B was here as well, everyone who left before us got taken back.

"Cora come here!" Minho called over, i jogged over and he looked me up and down.

"your pale again, take all the parents and kids through the maze before everyone, take tommys map and make sure they are all okay. head start cause kids are slower" i grabbed the hands of two kids who seemed to not have parents here.

"come on guys we got to run fast to beat the adults" i tried to make it a game so that they would move faster. i remembered the way out and carrier the two kids across the make shift bridge and down i told the parents who were holding their kids to go down the slide.

soon after i had sent the two kids down adults started to rush down, i gave the map to teresa, knowing my running wouldnt be able to lead people. she slid down as i took the ladder and she started to direct people to just get to the end of the hallway.

she past the map on to Minho who lead everyone who was ahead. Teresa and i were helping people up as we directed them. i heard the griever pods begin to open, tommy came down the ladder at just the right time.

"they have switched in them." i nodded and tommy came to help me we managed to switch them all off before any got out and caused catastrophy. everyone seemed to be down and i noticed that there wasnt as many as before.

tommy saw this and told me what happened while we ran. the maze crumbled around them as they were running they lost 30 people at most. i nodded and continued running, soon we reached a transflat which Minho had people all ready piling through.

"Subjects you plan on escaping, Wicked" he laughed out, he'd caught the flare. we tried to hold out ground but the roof on top of us was collapsing as we spoke. Ratman had pulled Tommy right under a chuck that was about to drop, Teresa flung tommy back sacraficing herself, i screamed and Minho pulled me through the transflat out into this beautiful meadow.

"No she cant die like that, no its not fair." i screamed and shouted until Tommy and Brenda came through Jorge had helped everyone on the other side. when Brenda came out the shed was in flames.

i fell to my knees and screamed, know i would never see Newt ever again. i just lost control of myself, i hit everyone away from me and ran into the forest.

"Newt, why...why wouldnt you just come with us, I love you so much. i cant do this without you, i cant Newt." i mumbled to myself as i played with the grass. the numbness returned and stayed for a while...a long time 4 months to be exact.

until Cynthia was born, she had her fathers beautiful brown eyes and his hair colour. she had his goofy smile, she had all of their names to.


Minho, started taking care of me and he soon said he loved me...i didnt know how to feel but i allowed him to be the father figure to cynthia. once she was Born i asked tommy about the note Newt gave him.

he told me what Newt told him just before he forced tommy to shoot him. he said he wanted me to be fine, move on and grow stronger...he said he'd always be with me. he told tommy why he had the limp...he tried to commit suicide. but now here we were at our new safe Cranks, No flare, No wicked.

we were starting the world again...this was the end of our story least there was many more stories to be written with the human race surviving.

The end.


got into some feels at the end



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