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I saw my sister, Alby and Chuck. they all smiled and nodded, i turned to see what they were nodding at there was nothing behind me so i turned back to them. They were all gone, i panicked and looked around before i felt a hand on my shoulder.

"you've got to wake up now Cora, return to your reality and leave us." i heard a unfamiliar voice, so thats what my sister sounds like. 

"why would i leave you. it already hurt when you left me" i spoke with croaks in my voice, the hand on my shoulder started shaking me.

"leave us but dont forget us." i heard chuck, i nodded before the hand shook harder and i felt like i was being pulled back into reality.

I sat up quickly with short gasps for air, i looked up and saw Newt sitting Next to me. he placed his hands on my face and wiped the tears off my face. My breathing became steady, Normal almost. i turned to hang my legs off the bed.

"You were unconsious, so was i when they brought us into this room" Newt spoke silently, i sat looking at the white tiled floor. 

"your yells woke me up, i was having a nice dream to" he laughed and softly punched my shoulder, i laughed a bit before i turned to look at him, his face looked like he'd just seen a ghost. he was worried about me.

"Well im sorry Newt, i cant control my dreams" i laughed before leaning my head on his shoulder. He grabbed my hand before squeezing it.

"so what was it about?" he whispered almost unaudioable. i looked up to him, it felt like my mind had just been wiped i couldnt remember my dream but for some reason it still pained me.

"i have no clue" i shrugged, i ruffled his hair before standing up and sitting on the bed opposite where i was facing.

"Cora, Im so lucky to have one of my Best friends as my lover. id probably end up with tommy if hadnt shown up in that shucking box" He laughed out, i smirked trying to hold my laugh in. before i cross my legs feeling more comfortable about this situation.

Newt was making jokes to make me feel better, well i hope he is joking cause i mean tommy is also his best friend but would he really hook up with tommy. all my thoughts were making me laugh, i would love to see them together.

"so you go for Best friend huh? well Newt im glad i became your best friend before You and tommy became official." i smiled at him and he just stared back at me.

"im glad i chose you then" he smiled a really cute smile, i blushed before i walked over and hugged him.

"thank you Newt, i dont think id be able to survive this klunk without you" i mumbled as i kissed the top of his head before pulling back and crouching down below him.

"Newt...when we were escaping the maze...Alby said something to me, its okay if you dont want to tell me everything...what were you like before i got into the Maze?" i ask, Newt looked into my eyes, i swear i could see them growing darker.

"um, i've really always been the same." he mumbled out, i smiled. it hurt that he didnt want to tell me but i wasnt going to push it any further. i stood back up and sat down on my own bed, just as i did so some food was delivered.

i knew it would be stupid to try and escape the room until we were told but Newt wasnt thinking on the same level. he ran up to the man and grabbed at his shirt, the man shoved Newt back before leaving the room.

"So brave Newt, laying on the floor." i laughed down at him, looking at him as i walked over to the food.

"you know these slint heads would never let us out that easy"  i grabbed a piece of bread and held it down to him, he accepted it but threw it back at me.

"Shuck Face i will RUIN your life if you do that again" i yelled at him before throwing it back at him laughing. 

"Nice Gally impression, except its a more Slinthead i will feed you to the grievers" i laughed at Newt as he pulled faces. i sat down next to him on the floor bringing the 2 plates of food. Newt sat up taking a bite of the bread.

"i wonder what WICKED did to Gally after we left" i mumbled before looking up and remembering something.

"Newt, you know you can trust me...i know im not Alby but i want to listen" i spoke out, i know that i was kind of pushing him into telling me but curiousity and boredom was getting the better of me in this room.

he placed the plate on the floor and looked up at me.

"No one will be Ably, No can keep the secrets i told him." Newt spoke out harsh, i was getting rather irritated how Newt wouldnt tell me. He'll get me pregnant but he wont shucking tell me something that happened in the past.


weeks past, since we were placed in the room. We were both getting on each others Nerves by the time Rat Man walked in to our room.

"Newton, Cora...please follow me" he spoke i stood up and looked over to Newt, he nodded as we proceeded side by side. Rat man was walking down a long grey corridor, it looked rather boring but then he stopped at a door.

"these are the bathrooms, there are showers in there. we prepared some nice clothes for you both, i will be back in 20 minutes please be ready by the time i come back" he spoke before turning and leaving.

is he seriously just leaving? i looked at Newt and he shrugged just as confused as i was. we both walked in and looked around. this was defiantly weird for wicked...


guys go read my sisters book if you like the ender games or divergent!! her user is Nyello

SO YOU GUYS HAVENT WRITTEN 9 COMMENTS YET SO YOU COULDVE LEFT ME SOMETHING NICE but luckily im a lovely writter so here. you better love me...embrace me virturally. 

The end// The Death Cure//Newt// Book 3Where stories live. Discover now