Part 12

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Coras POV.

Brenda turned to all of us before she placed her face on the machine.

"also your not thomas Minho and have to have fake names okay" she then placed her face on the machine and walked through the door, i looked to Minho and Thomas.

"see you on the other side" i smiled as i placed my face on the Machine as it scanned over my eyes and then jabbed me in the Neck before i could remove my face, i turned to the boys wide eyed and rubbed my neck as i walked through the door, When i stepped through gusts of air were forced upon me before another door opened.

"what the hell was that, some kind of Blow dryer?" i commented as i coughed and stepped out of the door, i looked up from my coughing fit and it was just how Jorge discribed...a concrete jungle. i looked around before spotting Jorge and Brenda smiling at me.

"i cant remember anything like this" i smiled while i walked over to them, we watch the boys come through next before stumbling out amazed with the view in front of them. Newt would love this.

"hey, act Natural" Jorge spoke to us before he walked over to stand up to a tall man. We watched the man speak before he moved Jorge to the side. He came right up to us and stood there before he looked down at us.

"You look like the ones he discribed, from WICKED" the man mumbled out, for a very large man he seemed to be very quite.

"Who is asking" i hissed out as i stood up to the man, the height difference was incredible. he placed his hand in his pocket searching for something in there.

"Captain Gally" was all he said before he turned and walked away, Jorge had now returned to us before Minho finally spoke up.

"My shucking God, the boy finally found someone who will call him that" he laughed out, i smirked and agreed with him. we started walking around until we found an alley kind of way to open the letter.

" guys, it says Gally is in this group called right arm? and he wants us to meet him in a apartment" i spoke out loud summing up the letter in a sentance or two. Gally was alive, so that means 22 of us made it out of there.

"i say we go" Tommy spoke, i looked up at him then to Brenda and Jorge.

"what about Hans though, isnt it important we get this patential tracking device out of our heads" i asked him crossed my arms and leaning against a wall. i looked at a post behind Tommy...chancellor Paige...hmm ill have to ask Brenda about her later.

"But if Gally knows were here chances are so do WICKED so whats the point?" He did make sense with that, how did gally even know that. plus why would he even give two klunks about us...we left him to die. 

"He killed Chuck how do we know he can be trusted?" i spoke out, harshness in my voice.

"he was being controlled" Jorge mentioned i looked at him before looking back at Tommy whose eyes were now glossy with tears.

"doesnt make a difference" i looked down, Minho patted my shoulder before he finally voiced his oppinion.

"i say we see what the shank wants" Jorge sighed as did Brenda as we got a Taxi to the appartment, i sat on a window seat in the back with Tommy and Minho, Jorge and Brenda sat in the middle seat as the driver suggested we would rather be squished together in the boot kind of than in the front seat with a stranger.

as i looked out the window i saw more of those posters, they seemed to be every where. once we drove for a while the posters became less as the buildings became cheaper looking. the Taxi stopped in front of this appartment building that looked like it'd break if anyone sneezed.

"well this...this looks safe" i laughed out as i rubbed the back of my Neck, i felt my sweater bag down my arm showing the bandage Brenda did this morning.

"Hey Cora what happened to yo-"

"hey lets go inside now, fun fun lets go see Gally" i croaked out and ran into the building and up many flights of stairs, i stopped and pulled myself together. Brenda was right behind me when i had stopped.

"Cora calm down..." i turned to face her.

"they wont understand why i punched the mirror, They wont understand why im so scared to finally be safe cause when ever we are finally safe something terrible happens...i cant lose anyone else. im so scared." I Spoke out to Brenda, she looked up with tears in her eyes, i looked behind Brenda and saw the boys with their jaws open. 

i looked down and turned to continue walking up the stairs.

"Cora...why, why didnt you tell us" Tommy called out as he grabbed my sore hand, i hissed and pulled it away.

"cause Tommy, i cant rely on you forever...i dont want to be weak anymore, im not like Teresa or Brenda..they are strong im just the girl who cant bare to see anything...i dont want to see Gally, i dont want to watch Newt turn into a Crank but...its time for me to grow up and face everything." i yelled at him before i started walking up the stairs i reached the door and banged on it hard.

"Hello?" the door opened a crack, i glared at the figure peering through.

"Gally open the god damn door." i muttered, once it was open we all walked through and were invited to sit on the floor with Gally. i looked down at my hand and saw since Tommy grabbed it, the blood started leaking through again.


You guys are amazing you have gotten my very first book to 10k reads in just 2 months and 2 days! i am so thankful. i love you all and my life seems a lot brighter today because of you all! 2/2/15

CHALLENGE 3! your favourite thing on another person go!!

mine is their eyes, all eyes hold something different behind them

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