Part 4

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Coras POV.

we woke up with a harsh bang on the door before it was burst open, i sat up and rubbed my eyes before i felt a hand tug me out the door. i squinted from the sudden light but looked around at what was happening.

there were three guards, Minho was the Next to be dragged out. he didnt go quietly either the guard tossed him to another guard and made sure to restrain him. i just stood in the hallway silently, the boys were all out, the man with Minho stood at the back of the group with the other 2 at the sides and Ratman at the front.

i felt like a prisioner being taken to their death, i looked down as we walked. i saw the guns on each guard, i turned to look at the guard holding Minho, his gun was on his back...he'd be delayed unlike the others.

"You understand you can change the world right?" the guard next to me spoke, i glared up at them before i opened my mouth to speak.

"At least im not stealing children on a whim they might save the world....killing hundreds of them in the process" i spat out with venom, the guard grabbed my collar and pushed me against a wall. the boys jumped at this causing all the guards to point their guns.

"remember you were here before i was" he spat in my face causing me to turn my head from him. once he let me go i was pushed back next to Tommy.

"know your place subject A3." he went back into a proper guard position as Ratman stared him down.

"excuse you, you work for her...respect her. if it wasnt for the kids scientific brains you'd be dead" Rat man spoke out moving his glasses up his ratty nose, we continued walking down the hall way, Tommy had pulled me close to him since the guard kept glaring at me.

"we are here, just step through here we have 4 tables set up for you all" Rat man spoke as i Newt punched him square in the jaw, Minho elbowed his guard and was now on top of him hitting him continuly.

Thomas punched the guard before they pushed him down to the ground, the guard who seems to have a problem with me grabbed me and dragged me back pointing a gun to my head. Tears were slipping out of my eyes as i tried not to give in to his threats...

Wicked couldnt risk losing the child right? right?

"tell them to stop, or you die got it" he whispered in my ear, i gulped and Nodded, Rat Man stood up looking pissed at us as he held his jaw for blood.

"Minho, tommy, Newt...please, we have to stop now" i whimpered out, Tommy looked up first when he saw the sight he got up and placed his hands up. Newt and Minho noticed Tommy and followed his gaze. 

they stood up and followed thomas's lead, the gun was lowered and Ratman sent us all outside the room to the waiting room area. we all sat there they were all rubbing my arms or my back, i leaned into Newt and let the tears slip out.

when your death is in someone elses control, it is truely frightning. Chuck...he was forced by wicked to save tommy, i know he wouldve done it any way but he must've been so scared.

"Thomas, we will have you come in first" he stood up and was taken in, as we stayed put in a room with guns pointed to our heads.

"well, we lose either way" Minho spoke out resting his head on his hands, i wiped my face before looking up at one of WICKEDs female guards, she looked down at me. there was a softness in her eyes.

i looked down to my stomach before looking up again to her.

"do you have children?" i asked her, she looked shocked when i talked to her. the boys looked at me before going back to sitting silently staring at the floor.

"i did, he...he was a subject with your group, his name was Ben." my heart sunk when i saw her eyes gloss up.

"but it's fine, i got the privilage to watch him die...he went peacefully" she spoke out, i looked down glancing at the other two boys, Newt was rubbing his lip as Minho had a guilty look on his face.

"Ben was one of our bravest he spent every day looking for a way out with me ma'am, he belonged to the maze, he went with honour" Minho spoke out, i new we shouldnt be feeling anything for these monsters but learning that we watched her son get banished was...

it was sad. we killed him for the greater good.

a smash came from inside the room Thomas was getting his memories back in, the guards looked at each other sending one in. soon we heard more things breaking in the room and more guards going in. 

the woman called for back up as i kicked her in the stomach and ran into the room with Thomas, he stood there next to a scientist...Brenda? no, not again. i looked at her backing away  Newt and Minho appeared in the room looking at brenda like i did.

" work for wicked?" i asked my voice didnt want to ask the question.

"i was forced just like you all were, but i was to old to enter the trials apparently. but it would be a waste of a immune so they placed me in a trial...everything that happened out there was real, i wasnt under wickeds control...i promise." i looked down and heard yells and heavy foot steps coming from down the corridor.

"i dont have time to worry about this, as long as your with us now" i nodded to her as she passed  Newt a gun, Thomas had one from the guard he'd drugged on the bed and Newt had taken the guard out in the waiting rooms gun.

"we need to get out of here and find the others before escaping." i mentioned out to know one.

"i know where we can get more weapons" Brenda spoke out i nodded and waited for the guards to come attack us in this room, i noticed Ratman shocked on the floor.


well i found the rest of my chickens, in my back yard....dead.

im just going to sit in the corner and cry now. they are all gone.

might as well be reading the fault in our stars again

ALSO ON A HIGH NOTE! so after this i was thinking about writing another maze runner fanfic but i was wondering would you rather her end up with MINHO OR GALLY! or would you rather me write an imagines book?

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