Part 15

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*fault in the stars spoilers! so just skip over the part where Cora is describing her love for the book*

Coras POV.

I woke up blinking to get used to the light that was peering through the window, i got up on my elbow to look around but felt a instant pounding in my head, i slowly returned to laying down, i rotated my head to the right to see Minho his breathes steady.

i groaned when the feeling in my head intensified by 100%, i raised my arm up to hold my head as i blinked my eyes to keep me calm. i felt my body tense as i felt something jab into my leg, but soon soothed any pain i had.

i looked and Saw Hans there, he smiled and Nodded as my eyes felt heavy and shut on themselves. i was stil awake just listening to everything around but i couldnt open my eyes.

"cora dont worry, your body is accepting the drugs. you'll be up in 15 minutes" was all i heard from Hans before i heard the door being fixed, i heard a groan from Next to me before there was a subtle yelp.

"Jorge?...Hans?...Brenda? ah my head, i feel like ive just been stung by a griever" was what i heard until feet hit the floor, i heard them walk closer before a hand on my arm.

"Cora, i got what you were talking about on the stairs yesterday. i cant stand to watch Newt turn Crazy...he is the first friend i remember" the heat of his hand slip away as the foot steps got further away until i couldnt hear them any more.

all i could hear was the soft breaths of Tommys and mine, soon i felt the heaviness on my eyes vanish, i sat up and rubbed my head, the throbbing pain i felt was gone, like it never was there. i slid down off the table in socks.

i made my way to the now fixed door, i creaked it open and slid out shutting it behind me and found my shoes and the book right next to Minho, he now had both shoes on, i patted his shoulder as i sat down.

he looked up to me and Smiled, i sat down next to him before resting my head on his shoulder.

"it will all be okay Minho...i promise we wont watch Newt suffer" i gripped his hand before i let go and put my shoes on, he looked at me with a shocked face. i scrunched my lips up and nodded to him before i opened the book.

'Late in the winter of my seventeenth year, my mother decided  i was depressed....'

I read the book for 40 minutes before Thomas woke up, i had read 75 pages of the book so far and had fallen in love with the idea of Hazel writing to this author and Augustus and Isaacs relationship, i had felt bad when that Nurse said see you later to Isaac who had now become blind.... 

i was in love with the world only having problems that seemed to be stepping stones these days.

i looked up to Thomas who seemed to have needed that beauty sleep. i ripped a blank piece of paper up to use it as a book mark. i handed Tommy his shoes before we left, Jorge told Hans to leave Denver cause wicked was sure to come and find out why we lost our memory chip.

"Tommy, do you remember anything from before you went under?" Minho asked, tommy scratched his head.

"nah, just when Hans was like fawning over Cora, is the last thing that i remember...why?" He turned to us.

"oh just cause you tried to kill Hans...the usual" Minho joked i smiled before Punching him.

"you must've been under the control of Wicked" Jorge mumbled, we walked back to the Hotel for the day, Jorge went out and Got us all a huge dinner since we missed Breakfast and slept through Lunch.

i sat on the middle of the Bed with Brenda on the other side napping on my shoulder, i was reading and the boys were wrestling on the floor, i was mentally counting how many times Thomas asked for a rematch.

i had gotten to the page where augustus invited isaac and hazel to his pre-funeral, what isaac said 'being in a world without you, i dont want to see it' tears were brought to my eyes. then i had finished the book shortly after that...i had tears going down my face.

Jorge had gotten back with a mass amount of food, id pushed Brenda off me and wiped my face of the tears from the book. i gave the book to brenda to read, she started to read it right after dinner.

"you read the book fast" Minho said from across the table with food in his mouth, i took a bite out of my sandwhich and nodded.

"it was a good book" i spoke after id swallowed, Minho then took my sandwhich and took a bite. i grabbed it back licking it.

"my sandwhich" i laughed, Brenda was silently reading on the couch. she was smiling and some times Frowning. her eyes seemed glassy at times i just smirked and acknowledged that...Pain demands to be felt.

i smiled as that was a reality i wanted, urned for...but books, books werent my world. i was determined to make my reality what i have always wanted it to be.i finished my sandwhich off as i climbed into the middle of the bed.

i laid there wide eyed until Minho and Thomas climbed in i turned over and rested my head against Minhos chest. my eyes soon drifted off with the heat Minhos body gave off. i felt a arm wrap around me from behind just as i nodded off.


So the fault in our stars huh? i imagine that the ink on the paper would be rubbing off and all that how old we would be when i imagine all of this is happening


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