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Coras POV.

we walked down the hallway in silence until i figured we were far enough away from the boys.

"so tell me, whats got you so intrested in tommy?" i questioned she turned to look at me and clicked her tongue when she turned back to face forward.

"Nothing, i just Owe him." i nodded in the dark, but secretly had a smile plastered on my face.

"So, the whole hand holding thing down in the tunnels means Nothing?" i smirked playing the cards i heard Tommy talking to Newt about when we were stuck in that room for the night.

"How'd you-"

"Tommy has a big mouth, plus he's so innocent he just had to ask Newt some questions" i laughed and she nudged me in the dark, she opened a door and we both stepped in flipping on a switch which surprisingly worked. i could now see the Blushing Brenda full on now.

"i understand but seriously, Tommy is one of the thickest when it comes to the opposite sex" i laughed as i sat up on a bench. Brenda looked through the draws trying find the medicine.

"i can tell" she mumbled, i couldnt help but laugh. she pulled out a Needle and a little bottle container, i stared at in shock as the mood suddenly changed from a laughing one to a terrifying atmosphere.

"Please tell me your just messing with me" i begged as i pinned myself in the furthest corner from Brenda.

"it'll do for now but we can search for the tablets after your pain doesnt esculate" she pushed the needle into the bottle sucking up the liquid inside. i shut my eyes and Flinched as the cold Metal tip pressed into my skin.

"Okay you can open your eyes, you may feel sleepy in 2-3 hours but until then help me look for the pills if not well take a couple of the bottles and put them in the back pack in the corner." i nodded as i started pulling open all the draws and cupboard doors.

"i think i found a box?" i spoke and threw it over to Brenda she Nodded and threw it back.

"any more?" i shook my head as i looked the cupboard up and down on last time before shutting it.

"We might need to bring a couple of the liquid versions since you'll need to take two of those each time your in pain and there is only about 20 in a box." i nodded and grabbed the back pack in the corner of the room.

i opened it and placed the box in before i found a newspaper and started wrapping some needles up. i passed the rest to Brenda to cover the Glass bottles so they wouldnt break.

"Well doctor Brenda i think we are medically prepared for any pain" i smiled and laughed, we walked back towards the boys and heard some foot steps up ahead, we stuck in between 2 vending machines.

"Where the bloody hell are those two!" i heard a familiar voice but i couldnt be sure so we waited a bit longer.

"Well They are both girls so they could be doing something secret" was that Tommy?

"lets hope we catch them in a make out session, how hot" Minho defiantly, i heard him get hit over the back of the head.

"So gross" Brenda whispered into my ear, i nodded.

" Thats my girlfriend your talking about shank" i smiled when i heard Newt say that but we decided to get som revenge so, we both stepped out and yelled at the boys, they all flipped out pointing their guns at us until they realized who it was.

"You slintheads nearly got shot!" Minho yelled i laughed. i nudged brenda and she smirked back down to me.

"yeah well sorry we arent making out Minho!" Brenda sassed, Tommy was laughing before he got punched by Minho. Brenda out sassed Minho this was a first he was left speechless.

"Glad we found you two, we got to start going, we've searched the whole place for the others already and no sign." Newt spoke out, we nodded and teased Minho as we passed him. I walked up Next to Newt and grazed my hand against his, he looked down then looked up to my face.

"you alright now?" i smiled and nodded.

"couldnt be any better than right now" i squeezed his hand as we past a door with sounds coming form inside, we looked through the doors window. i saw all the guards in there tied up... i took a step back and continued down the hallway.


"We need to leave Now!" i stated, we couldnt risk the chance of Cranks, especially if they have guns and rope. we could patentually be the Next victims they catch. we started Running down the hallway and burst through the door to the Berge hanger.

"There should be Two" brenda stated, we all climbed down the stairs and scanned the area before we heard movement behind some boxes against a wall. we all cautiously walked over before we were pointing a gun right in the direction of Jorge.

"My god Jorge!" Brenda ran over and Hugged him helping him out of his ropes, he stood up and brushed off before Nodding to the rest of us.

"what happen here?" i asked, he shrugged before he started.

"i have no clue to be honest muchacho, one moment i was here with the other pilot and boom his psycho Girlfriend burst through here with the rest of them all holding Weapons and demanding we take them out of here." i nodded, they Left us...we spent hours looking for them and they just left without us.

at least we know were not dealing with cranks. I heard the door burst open from where we came in, we all crouched behind the boxes and shallowed our breathes.

"oh god, how'd they get un-tied?" i mumbled to Minho, he shrugged before looking over the boxes.

"There they are Behind the boxs" i heard a guard yell, i shut my eyes as my breath hitched.


GUYS SO I... HAVE NO CLUE WHAT TO DO WITH SHORT what are you supposed to do, you cant braid it like i have no clue. ALSO GALLY OR MINHO! also that picture ...DAYUM

The end// The Death Cure//Newt// Book 3Where stories live. Discover now