Part 8

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Coras POV.

i gripped the gun in my hand as i leaned it over one of the boxes, i aimed up the gun at one of the guards. i shut one of my eyes to see through the Reticle as i lined the lines up perfectly on to his chest, i knew from what Brenda told me these havent killed anyone but they possibly could it they hit a human head.

"aim for the Chest okay, we dont want to kill anyone...We are not WICKED" i said to the others, they all Nodded. we all started firing, once one of us had run out of ammo we started to panic a bit.

"okay Minho, Thomas cover us...We're going to make a run to the Berge and we're going to trust you to not miss a guard" Jorge spoke, i swallowed my saliva and thought about what if they did kill us.

"we ready?" Jorge asked before i turned to brenda and Newt, they both nodded so i did the same but i was the farthest from ready, i was shaking in my Boots. i stood up in a crouching run position, i ran as fast as i could and hid behind a huge box, i covered the other 3 as they ran to the same box.

"dont stop" Brenda mumbled in my ear, i turned to her only to see her pushing Jorge and i out from the boxs protection, i ran as if a Griever was right behind me. i reached the Berge with Jorge close behind, i climbed out of the berge and into a position where i could cover the rest.

Newt ran over Next standing close to where i was positioned myself, he nodded to the Berge and i sighed in defeat and ran back in. i watched as Minho and Thomas were running over to the Berge as Brenda was.

Tommy was so close to the Berge before he got stunned by the guns. a cold shiver ran up my spine as i tried to run out of the Berge to help Minho and Brenda get him into the Berge. Jorge held me back i was yelling at them to hurry.

they were close when Brenda got hit, Jorge let go of me Sprinting out and throwing Brenda over his shoulders as Minho and Newt got Tommy, sprinting as fast as they could with a boy the same height in their grips.

Jorge lifted the door as soon as they were in, i sighed in relief once they dropped Tommy to the floor of the Berge and Jorge lifted the Berge out of the hanger.

"you guys may want to rest, its a long journey" i nodded working my way towards the back of the Berges narrow hallways. i looked out one of the windows as i walked past it, i saw snow, a lot of snow.

I dont remember snow, its icy touch is something i could only dream about. i smiled before pushing off the wall walking into a area full of couches. i sat on one pulling my legs up to my chest before Newt sat down right next to me pulling my legs over his lap patting them.

"you tired?" Newt asked me, i shook my head but felt my eyes start to close, i guess the medicine was starting to work its Magic on my body. Newt kissed my forehead as my eyes finally drifted off into sleep.


"Newt the snow is cold!" i giggled as i threw some back at the boy, he laughed as he picked me up spinning me around before slipping over, i fell on top of him. he reached his hand up and moved my hair from out of my face.

"I think im head over heels in love with you Cora." i smiled and blushed so my cheeks matched my cold pink nose.

"im sure im in love with you Newt" 

in that moment everything seemed to slow down, the blinks, the seconds and our smiles...they lasted for ages. we laid there starring at each other....


i sat up looking around realizing we were still in the air, i looked around and Noticed tommy had joined us in the area to sleep. his paralyzation obvious had wore off while we all slept. 

i stood up and looked around for Brenda she wasnt here with us so i walked towards the front of the Berge, i opened the door to where Jorge was flying the Berge. i saw Brenda in the co-pilot chair asleep in a very uncomfortable position.

"how long have those two been up?" i asked Jorge as i held on to the door way for support. Jorge looked like he'd been scared to death when id spoken to him.

"they've been up for around half an hour now, why are you up muchacho?" he questioned. i thought about it for a bit but all the answer i gave Jorge was my HMMM sound.

"what about you, you should sleep to you old Fart" i spoke out to him crossing my arms leaning against the door way now. he turned and smirked to me.

"Little girl i am starting to like you more and more when you open your mouth" i laughed a bit as he said that, i saw Jorges smile and it was a wide beautiful smile.

"you should smile more Jorge, it makes you seem more Approchable" i mocked out, he rolled his eyes before he turned to look at me.

"can i take back my words earlier, your just a smart ass" i smirked Before brenda stirred in her seat, she fluttered her eyes open and smiled at the both of us.

"Glad to see you two are getting along." Brenda mumbled grogally, Jorge rolled his eyes as he turned back to face foward.

"well shes special to you, of course id try to attempt to get along with her but she just reminds me of you and i dont think i can handle two Brendas" he joked out, i smiled at his words, they felt like my family.

"Aww im special to you?" i asked, she got bashful and nodded.

"Well Brenda, your really special to me, your like the sister i never...i mean you feel like a sister to me" i looked down and mentally punched myself for thinking that at this moment of time.

**** having trouble sleeping and im writing all of these chapters you've read at 12 every night sometimes even 4am in the've all recked my sleeping pattern! ugh haha oh well, it'll only screw me up when school gets back

The end// The Death Cure//Newt// Book 3Where stories live. Discover now