Part 3

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Coras POV.

Ratman looked down to his papers after waiting for the room to be in complete silence, i looked at him as he lifted the papers licking his lips before opening his mouth to speak.

" The following of you are not immune.." was the first thing he got out, did he mean some of us will turn into Cranks and others will just have to watch them slowly tear themselves apart. he started reading off names there were tears from people when their name was called.

" Newt." his Name entered my ears, i looked up to ratman as if he was joking but he continued listing off the names, tears welled up in my eyes i looked to Newt for sat looking at the ground rubbing his lip. the sight made the tears finally slip.

"no...he is lying, tell me he is lying. Newt your fine..right Minho, Tommy? he is going to be fine right!" i spoke out fast before Newt pulled me into a hug, i rested my head of his chest for a second before i got up and walked to Ratman.

"Your lying. why should we trust WICKED! after everything why..tell me why" I grabbed his shirt and looked up into his eyes searching for a sign he was joking. the room had fallen silent watching, i stepped back from Ratman and looked down letting go of his shirt slowly.

"We do have something to offer you all though, we can return your memories. think about the offer, guards will be here soon to lead you to the rooms..." i felt a hand on my shoulder and saw Teresa, i shrugged her hand off my shoulder before i walked back up to the boys.

Newt embraced me Tightly i grabbed his shirt as he rocked me back and forth. i heard Minho talking to Tommy about how this was all WICKEDs shucking fault, i pushed back from Newt seeing his now tear soaked shirt.

"we arent doing anything with WICKED anymore, the past doesnt matter..this is us now. im not recovering my mermories" i spoke harshly as i wiped the tears off my face, Love really is a weakness.

"ditto, these shanks dont seem trust worthy, why would they want us to remember unless its another one of their tests" Minho said as we all sat down again. discussing what we were going to do, its an offer they cant force us and if they do we can fight back.

"its settled then" Thomas spoke as Rat man was still observing us from the stage. just as we turned to look around the room guards came through as they started leading all of us out of the room, we waited until last.

"Cora, what ever you decide remember you were once with WICKED." Ratman spoke as he and a guard were at the back of the group just a bit behind us. i turned to glare at him.

"i remember more than i want to about before the Maze, i will be fine not remembering the rest" i spoke harshly as we sped up to walk in the middle of the group so we didnt have to listen to Ratmans attempts to try and convince us.

we arrived at the first room with scientists, Ratman walked to the front of the group listing all of the names for the people who belonged in that room. they all went in, this went on for ages until one of my close friends names were called.

"Frypan.." i looked at him, he turned to me and walked over kissing my forehead before walking in. i looked down, the next room Minhos name was called but he refused suprisingly they just accepted it as such.

room after room we declined, until it was only us four left. Ratman glared at us before he looked to a guard. he nodded as he then proceeded to lead us down a corridor and into a normal sized room the guards stood at the door as ratman looked in on us.

"you will change your mind eventually" he spoke as the door was being shut, i sat down on a bottom bunk looking down at my hands. it wasnt a choice after all.

"what the klunk" Minho yelled ruffling his hair.

"it wasnt a choice Minho, they are going to make us either way even if they have to knock us out" i spoke out looking up at him, he climbed on to the top bunk above me. i heard him punch the wall, i held on to my nose.

"What are you thinking Cora?" Tommy asked, i scrunched my face up thinking about it.

"they used 2 guards to get the 4 of us in here, they will probably only use 2 to get us out right? if that's a possibility we might be able to fight our way out." i spoke Tommy nodded and Newt looked dazed in my direction.

"they have guns" Minho spoke, as he jumped down and sat next to me.

"we attack when we least expect it, just before they do the memory thing." Newt spoke up as he sat down next to Tommy, we all nodded, they needed to keep us alive for our killzone patterns. we made a plan and all agreed.

they brought us food for the night, and we sat at the small table in the corner.

"im just so tired of all of this" i mumbled placing my fork into the Mash potato to play with it, the boys looked up from shovelling their food down.

"we all are, we've just got to learn to deal with it" tommy spoke, Minho looked at Newt who looked down.

"some even more" Minho mumbled before he picked at the meat on his plate. i sighed and ate some of the food. once we were done i collected the plates and stacked them. we all climbed into our beds and laid there for a while.

"tomorrow, it will all finally be over" Newt spoke out, a sigh followed his words. i cuddled into my blankets as i heard Minho move around above me. everything is going to be fine, we'll find the others and escape.

"hopefully" Minho added before we all nodded off to sleep...hope is all we have right now

The end// The Death Cure//Newt// Book 3Where stories live. Discover now