Part 14

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Coras POV.

some time last night id fallen asleep, when i woke up i saw Tommy and Minho cuddling on the floor, i sat up on the couch and saw brenda starring down at them to. i laughed when i saw her smiling.

"you've got some competition Brenda" i laughed out, she looked over to me smiling.

"Morning Cora...should we wake them up?" i nodded as i got up and shook both of them on the shoulder, they both woke up gracefully as they realized what they were doing.They both called out in suprise as me and Brenda burst into tears of laughter.

"What are you two Idiots yelling for so early in the day!" Jorge walked out of the bathroom yelling at the two boys. i wipped the tears out of my eyes as i smiled at them, i stood up and realized my sweater now showed my bump a bit.

"how far?" Jorge asked, i looked up as everyone turned to look at me.

"4 months." Minho stood up and hugged me from behind.

"we're going to call it Minho Jr right honey" i laughed as i shook my head, i removed his hands from around me.

"What if its a girl shuck face" i laughed helping Thomas up, i offered my good hand to him and he took it. My other hand should heal soon, maybe another week.

"we can call it Thomas Jr" Minho smirked when he said that. Tommy looked up at him frowning.

"ha ha very funny slint head" Tommy mocked before we headed out the room, todays plans were going to see hans this time no matter what, we cant risk being found by wicked.

"so how is Hans exactly going to do this? cut into our brains?" Tommy asked, Brenda shrugged before looking to Jorge.

"the same way WICKED did, we place a mask on each of your faces and it does the'll all be out for at least 2 hours after." i nodded, we reached an apartment and jogged up the stairs. before Jorge knocked on the door.

this ragged looking man opened the door with his Wife behind him, he ushered us in quickly before he examined who we were.

"Jorge, you've Brought subjects from Group A to me, i'm going to be hunted down for helping you" he looked at the 3 of us. his eyes went wide when he saw me, i gave a awkward smile before he walked over to me and stroked my face.

"Subject A3, Cora...your alive" he pulled me in to a hug, he patted my back before pulling back and looking at Jorge. 

"shes Alive, how...i thought they were going to kill her when i left WICKED." Jorge shrugged before Nodding over to brenda, who awkwardly scratched the back of her head.

" saved her, how? why didnt Wicked kill you for what you, that doesnt matter. she's alive" he seemed to be jumping for Joy, i felt heat rising to my face when the grin on his face grew wider.

"Wait a second, whats this...." he looked at my stomach, i covered my stomach now hiding behind Minho and Tommy.

"Subject A5" was all Jorge said before he turned to his wife and kissed her on both cheeks.

"tell me how did you manage this, im curious now" he shook brenda Back and forth, she smiled and pushed his arms down.

"while they chased you down, i sent her up....i did a minor memory swipe to her and sent her the day after Teresa" Brenda moved her hair as she looked at me, i had a small smile on my face before Jorge came over to us.

"you were his Partner, Cora. you taught him everything he knows about Wicked and the Trials..." a light in my Brain seemed to flicker.


"Hans what have i told you, you cant send to many animals up to them at once" the neater looking Hans turned to me looking sheepish for what he had done.

"sorry, but what they're getting obviously isnt enough for 30 growing Boys" i smiled before pulling my chair up beside him.

"how are our Grievers going"


"We made the Grievers together" i spoke out, the boys looked at me as he rotated looking with hope in his eyes, as if they were telling me to go on.

"you sent that poor boy up with 5 goats and 9 chickens....Clint, it was Clint!" i laughed remembering watching the gladers react to all the animals spilling out of the Box..

"they spent hours chasing the animals around the Glade" i smiled before walking over to the man, holding my hand out.

"i think we can both agree we arent partners for wicked any more" he took my hand and shook it firmly.

"you've grown into a fine Woman." i smiled and Nodded before he gathered us all on a Couch. He explained how the opperation was going down, we lay on his opperation table and let the pain flow through us...he'll try make sure we dont feel that much.

"Okay lets do it." Tommy walked down the hallway, Hans said he'd get us ready one at a time. The door Hans went into was soon broken down with Tommy on top of Hans. We all scattered to get Tommy off of Hans.

Tommy seemed to have lost his mind, he was swing fist wildly, Hans Wife had taken me into a room away from all the fighting. i struggled to free myself from her Grip, i wanted to help him so badly.

"Darling, you cant do anything...your with child what would happen if he hit you" i felt my shoulders slum down as i realized she was right, it was a mans fight.

i sat down on the chair as i ran my hands across the books on the book shelf near there.i saw a old looking book cover..'The fault in our stars' i picked the book out and turned the first page. Hans wife came over and shut the book.

"Keep it, read was my favourite book as a girl" i smiled and then there was a knock at the door.

"Thomas is under now, so is Minho...its time" i felt my heart race, but i nodded and followed Jorge to Hans opperating room. then soon after i was under, feeling the pain flow through my nose and Ears...i remember Brenda now. i remember the feeling of this when she wiped my memories



plus i imagine this is set like way in the future when we are all old (well probably dead or crazy AF) and the fault in our stars will be this generations romeo and juliet

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