Berge breaks

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Coras POV.

i stayed up near Jorge and Brenda for a while, before Jorge said he couldnt keep his eyes open so we decided to land to let Jorge have a 6 hour sleep. Me and Brenda left him in his Pilot quarters as we made our way down the Berge.

"How you feeling?" Brenda asked, i stopped and turned around looking at her in this tight hallway of the berge.

"100%, i feel like you could stab me and id smile" i laughed out, i looked out the window and saw the glow of the sun, it was slowly dimming so it wouldnt be killer hot out there, i grabbed Brendas hand and started running back to the Berge door.

"lets go outside, i havent seen the sky in a months" i begged, Brenda stared at me before Hitting the berge door button and it started lowering, the suns raised danced softly on my skin as it started to tingle.

i breathed in fresh air, it felt like magic, i stepped out of the Berge and walked down the ramp stepping on the grassy area we landed on. i smiled and crouched down to touch it, i smiled when i saw a flower in the grass.

"this, i wish i could remember all of this." i smiled as i plucked the flower and sniffed all its scents, i rubbed my nose a bit after.

"Brenda did we grow up with this..." i asked looking up at the setting sun.

"we grew up inside that concrete prison...sadly" Brenda sat on the bottom of the Berge door, i lowered my gaze to her. i smiled before handing her the flower she smiled looking down and twiddled it in her fingers.

"Brenda, there are safe places in this world right, they arent all like the scorch right?" she looked up from the flower and nodded.

"of course, we are heading to one, apparently Teresa demanded to be taken there, Jorge said" i nodded and stood up brushing my hands on my leggings.

i walked over to a tree and climbed up, i climbed up as high as i could i ignored Brenda asking me to come down i just wanted to see the land around us.

"ill be careful, dont worry" i claimed as i reached some of the top branches, i stood up and peered up out of the leafs. it was beautiful, the grass seemed to go on forever...No giant walls to stop it just kept going and going as far as the eye could see.

"Brenda you should see this, its so beautiful" i called down to her, i blinked a couple of times just smiling to myself. Im finally out.

"Okay come down now" she yelled i looked down and Nodded, i started climbing down and i say gracefully but others would say clumsily jumped to the ground alsmost falling on my face.

"see didnt die up there" i smiled and spun around for her, she laughed before we both headed back into the Berge, Brenda went to Check on Jorge and i went to check on the boys. When i got there i saw that Tommy wasnt there, probably in one of the bathrooms.

Minho was waking up when i was looking around for a jumper or something, it was getting cold as it reached closer to Night. He hummed some words but he was half asleep so they jumbled up making No sense.

"Minho? you awake?" i asked quietly being careful not to wake Newt, he slowly leaned up into a sitting position as he rubbed his face, this was the first time ive ever seen Minhos face become unattractive.

"you look super ugly doing that shank" i laughed out he turned to me before glaring.

"well not my fault im super sexy all the time" he mocked as he pretended to flip hair over his shoulder, i pretended to swoon at him and we both burst into laughter. i turned to see Newt rubbing his eyes smiling.

"Havent heard that shank laugh in a long time" Newt spoke, i looked between the two boys both wearing a goofy grin. i eventually gave in and joined in the goofy grin, then i remembered that we would be here for a while, jorge was fast asleep so i could probably show the boys the outside world before the sun sets fully.

"Come on guys i have something to show you" i started running to the door and pressed the button brenda had pressed when we both went out, once it had opened i climbed on top of the Berge and stood up as the breeze blew through my hair. 

the sunset looked amazing standing here, the boys both climbed up putting a hand in front of their eyes to see what i was showing them.

"Look at the grass...its endless" i mumbled as i smiled, i looked to the boys they were both staring in awe, i looked into Newts eyes as i saw the sun reflect into them. the sun made them glow like lightning bugs.

"this..ive dreamed about this  a endless run into the sunset with no Huge walls stopping me" Minho breathed and shut his eyes, he seemed to be embrassing the last moments of the sun. i hugged Newt on the side and smiled.

"This is it, we are finally Free" Newt breathed his Words in as if it would help it sink in better. i smiled and intertwined our hands, and leaned on his shoulder. All 3 of us sat on top of the Berge until the sun had submerged the world into blackness.

we all climbed down and walked back inside, i pressed the button and watched the door rise shutting us off from the outside world once again, but i would soon be able to live in it without ever having to be shut off ever again.

we were Free, we werent subjects any more we were in control of our own lives.



Guys have you seen some of the big hero 6 fanart out there! its so amazing, i legit am falling in love tadashi all over again. ALSO THAT PICTURE IM NOT PAYING MEDICLE BILLS FOR OVARIES! haha..

as we speak i am on my way to a party..woooh loud speakers, bonfires, stupid drunk times. im joking its torture

The end// The Death Cure//Newt// Book 3Where stories live. Discover now