Part 5

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Coras POV.

i stood behind the boys as the prepared their guns, i looked over to brenda she nodded to me before she raised her gun to the door. in seconds guards burst through and guns went off on both sides, i ducked down behind a table until all of the sounds stopped.

"Alright lets move, there may be more coming" Brenda called i got up and grabbed one of the guards weapons, we started to move through the corridors but we never even heard or saw anything from the guards.

"this isnt right" Brenda spoke a guard ran past and stopped looking at us as we all had our guns pointed to her. She put her hands up and we walked closer, i grabbed her gun and tossed it down behind us.

" take us to the rest of our group" i walked up to her once she was held back by Minho and brenda by his side making sure she wouldnt escape. i walked past her and waited to the side so she could show us the way.

"Cora, we are going to find them okay." Brenda spoke out, i nodded walking by her side. i glanced side ways at her from time to time making sure it was reality. she was really here and working with WICKED well she was, shes on our side now.

" you remember my sister by chance?" i looked up to her, she made contact with my eyes before the guard broke away our stares.

"its through there, i need my access card though" i looked at her and then nodded to Minho he shoved her towards the door as we all aimed our guns at the door and her.

"okay then open it" i spoke harshly to her, she swiped her card and a siren went off, causing the on light source to be the red flashing light. we held our guns up and heard footsteps but then we relized it was only the guard escaping.

"we seriously cant do any of this threatning stuff right" Thomas sighed as we ventured down the dark corridors. we walked through the front lobby of the place and looked around there for a couple of seconds.

"so what does the siren mean?" i asked as we walked through a door into a darker corridor, Brenda flicked her head towards me and just smiled.

"i think it was meant for Cranks getting in" she spoke, i looked at her before she held open a door.  i stepped up into the room to see all the weapons. they were all there Minho, thomas and Newt all came in after.

"they're missing" Thomas spoke out, Newt walked over and wiped the dust.

"the dust pattern where the missing guns are shows maybe they were taken one or two hours ago." he wiped the dust on his shirt before minho decided to be a stupid shank.

"important why?" he folded his arms looking at Newt.

"Figure something out yourself you stupid Slinthead!" newt yelled before sighing and leaning against a wall.

"whoa newt, whats up" Thomas put his hands out to Newt before he was hit away by newt, who was obviously enraged.

"Ill tell you what, you go marching off without a plan like Gally and Minho cant take one shucking step without asking which foot to use!" Minhos eyes got ticked at Newt, Brenda and Thomas saw and held his chest looking back at Newt.

"Dont be acting like i slinthead just cause you thought youd found something! Next time i wont act like you didnt shucking state the obvious!" Minho yelled back at Newt, i looked at Newt who now had his head hung low, i touched his shoulder and leaned down to look at his face. he looked like he had tears in his eyes.

"im sorry" Newt left, i walked to the frame of the door watching him disappear into the darkness of the corridor, i looked down before stepping back in and Punching minho.

"your Missing the point" brenda spoke out, Minho was rubbing his arm as we all looked to the older girl.

"there should've been at least 36 in this room and now they're gone, and recently taken to" she raised a eyebrow i looked at her as if she didnt listen to what Newt was just saying.

"and what exactly does that mean?" i asked as i looked at the empty wall.

"when would the guards all have needed to take a launcher, today and launchers are to heavy to hold another weapon with so where are the weapons they left behind?" Thomas looked out blankly stating his thoughts.

brenda smiled and leaned against the wall nodding, Newt wasnt stating the obvious his thoughts were more complex than just 'they were taken.' i stood there thinking then.

"all the guards we've seen have all had those types of guns on them, right?" i asked Brenda before she nodded.

"its standard for guards to carry them at all times, so it wouldnt make sense for them to get a new one" i hit my hands together once confirming that it lead me to other thoughts.

"the alarm. maybe Cranks got in here and took whatever weapons they could find" Minho spoke, we all agreed with him before brenda spoke up again.

"if thats so, the problem here is much worse than we think" she placed a hand on her hip before a voice broke our silence.

"glad to see that the not immune to the flare isnt the only one with a brain that still works" Newt was standing in the door way, i walked over and hugged him kissing his cheek before i walked back next to brenda.

"Next time dont get so Snippy, shank.didnt think you'd lose it so fast though, but im glad. we might need a Crank to sniff out all the cranks for us anyway" me and thomas looked to see how Newt would react to Minho.

"never know when to shut your shank mouth, huh minho? always got to have the last word" Newt snapped out, but it came out more like sass.

"shut your shank mouth!" Minhos voice calm for a second but it was easy to see he was also getting pissed with Newt. the atmosphere was almost visable and very awkward.


woooooh so the last chicken was brought to my feet today, uhhh so sad but at least i dont have to play find the dead chickens in the back yard now.

The end// The Death Cure//Newt// Book 3Where stories live. Discover now