Chapter 10

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Warning: This chapter contains a rape trigger, and it may make some of you uncomfortable and/or upset. As the authors of this story, we ask that you refrain from reading this chapter if you do not feel comfortable enough to do so. We also ask that you do not report this story, for we have already warned you about the trigger. Thank you for your time and consideration. -Kushina and mostly Yuuzuki because I can't write warnings for shit haha

"Odd of you to call me here on such short notice." Arashi ignored Misaki's smart remark as she settled across from him on a cushion on the other side of the low rising table, kneeling as she faced him. He had called her for a brief and urgent meeting as he realised that he could not get any time alone with Nanami, as Juri had seemed to take a liking to her and was never too far from her side. Sitting in an isolated corner of the tea-house they occupied, the two began discussing their matters whilst Arashi poured them both a cup of steaming hot green tea, the steam gently hitting both of them in the faces.

"Juri never lets Nanami out of her sight," stated Arashi with a sour look on his face as he sipped from his chawan. "It irks me that we aren't able to be as close as I'd prefer to be." Behind the rim of her own teacup, Misaki smirked, letting her dark hair obscure her face from Arashi's vision.

"I'm afraid that's not my problem, Arashi," said Misaki gleefully, cupping her chawan in both hands and setting it on the table before her. She tilted her head, smiling at the frowning Uchiha man. "You have your Nanami; however, I still don't have my Izuna. You don't see me complaining to you for help, do you?" Arashi scowled, and leaned forward over the tabletop.

"As a matter of fact, Misaki-chan, you're farther from Izuna than you think you are," he sneered, narrowing his eyes at the woman. "As long as Nanami walks as a free, unmarried woman, then Izuna has all the access he wants. Until I make her my bride, Izuna is not completely yours. Do you understand where I'm coming from, Misaki? Your cousin is a hardheaded man; he made it clear to everyone that he has his sights set on Nanami. Where do you think that leaves you?" Seeing the foul look on Misaki's face, Arashi smiled sweetly, and reached for the teapot.

"All I need is for you to keep Juri away from the house tomorrow. Now, would you like a refill?"


"I'm afraid I need your help, Juri." Nanami was eavesdropping the next day as she heard a familiar and loathed voice address her mistress in the safety of the living room. Having just served her two superiors tea, Nanami drifted around outside under the pretense that she was being on call for her mistress, rather then listening in on their conversation. Hearing the delicate clack of a teacup meet the tabletop, Nanami heard Juri say, "Why, whatever is the matter, Misaki-sama?"

"Well... I've been having a few... personal issues." Personal issues? thought Nanami darkly. Yeah, more like ego issues. You just can't get enough of yourself.

"Oh, do tell me, Misaki-sama."

"Well... There is this man that I've had my eye on for quite a while... and I'm afraid that I'm not exactly the type of woman who knows how to approach one." Nanami internally barfed, already having enough.

Okay, gross, I already know who she's thinking about, she thought, turning on her heel and heading back to the kitchen. Today, the household staff had been granted a day off, but since Nanami was a live-in maid, she alone remained in the house. She and Juri had just finished breakfast, and everything had already been cleaned up. Even though it was only nine o'clock, Nanami began thinking of a suitable lunch to prepare for her mistress, and possibly, her guest, if Misaki decided to hang around longer. No sooner had she seated herself at the small kitchen table, Nanami looked up to see Juri peering around the corner of the door.

𝐋𝐀𝐓𝐂𝐇𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐎𝐍𝐓𝐎 𝐘𝐎𝐔 | izuna uchihaWhere stories live. Discover now