Chapter 19

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Two weeks flew by, and soon, it was doomsday.

Anxious with thoughts of how her performance would go today, Nanami rose before the sun to try and ease her nerves with some light training and a cup of tea. However, even the sun seemed to rise too quickly for her, because before she knew it, she was busy packing her gear for her battle against Izuna. As they lived in the same property, it was impossible for her not to know that he too was awake, and preparing himself as well. She knew well enough that Izuna would be bringing his sword along, and with that thought, skeptically eyed out her own, sheathed blade that stood in the corner of her room.

With a loud sigh, she decided it was better than nothing, and strapped it onto her back as she filled her kunai and shuriken pouches. There was nothing but a sense of pure anxiety in the pit of her stomach, which grew as she drew closer and closer to her debut.

"Nanami. It's time to go." The sound of Madara's voice outside of her bedroom door made the female gulp in fretfulness, and with shaking legs, she opened the door to the clan leader.

He stood there, flanked by Izuna, who was smiling encouragingly at his friend.

"We must be there before the council is. Let's go now." With that, Madara turned and began to lead the way out, leaving Nanami and Izuna behind to have a small conversation before they left.

"How do you feel?" he asked softly, reaching out and grabbing Nanami's hand in his own. Over his shoulder, she saw the hilt of his sword, and sighed in devastation. She had hoped he wouldn't bring it along.

"Scared," she admitted quietly, squeezing his hand. He smiled and pulled her closer to him, brushing her hair out of her eyes as he leaned forward and placed a small, tender kiss on her forehead.

"Everything will be okay. I believe in you."


The nerves were real as Nanami and Izuna approached their battlefield, led by Madara. All around the perimeter of the area, council leaders and clan members alike had begun to congregate, all eager for the showdown between their clan prodigy and fallen from grace kunoichi. Among the clamour stood Juri and Misaki, both who awaited Nanami's demise with matching scowls.

"Today, it will be decided whether or not Uchiha Nanami is fit enough to return to her previous rank of kunoichi for the Uchiha clan," announced Madara loudly, standing between Izuna and Nanami and separating them by a few meters. "To prove herself, she will be battling against my younger brother, and the second in command of our clan, Uchiha Izuna. The decision will be made once the battle is over. There are no rules, except for one: this is not a fight to the death, so you are not allowed to kill your opponent. Are there any questions?"

Madara returned his gaze to her, a stoic look in his eyes. Nanami shook her head as she took a deep breath, calming herself and getting into her zone.

She locked eyes with Izuna as he drew his blade, and found herself mirroring him and wielding her own sword. He smiled at her gesture, but Nanami's face was cold and emotionless. Now, it was just her and him, and she had no time for friendliness. This was her reputation on the line, and no matter how much she adored Izuna, she wasn't going to let him get in her way.

Madara stepped back into ranks with the other council members, arms crossed.

"You may begin."

Nanami and Izuna merely eyed out each other for a few seconds, both with their swords before them at the ready.

It was Nanami who began the whole thing; running towards Izuna with her blade outstretched, she wasn't deterred when he immediately parried her attack, sending her flying back and beginning his counterattack. He lashed out at her with a flurry of chops and slices, putting her on the edge of her toes as she deflected every powerful blow delivered.

𝐋𝐀𝐓𝐂𝐇𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐎𝐍𝐓𝐎 𝐘𝐎𝐔 | izuna uchihaWhere stories live. Discover now