Chapter 1

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Years have passed since then, and Uchiha Nanami had survived the hardships of the ongoing battles between the shinobi clans of each nation. She was now a mature adult at the age of eighteen, and her skills as a kunoichi were making some progress, but not a lot. She was still considered "weak" to many of her clansmen, since she barely survived in her years as a teenager. Unlike most of the Uchiha shinobi around her age, Nanami also had two black tomoe instead of three for her Sharingan.

On a warm and windy summer day, Nanami was trying to finish up her household chores. With a basket full of wet clothes and sheets, she went outside to hang them up on a line. She was greeted by the brightness of the sun as its rays touched her pink cheeks. Setting the basket down onto the ground, she began to hang up the sheets first.

Nanami lived alone in her own house, since she had originally lost both of parents when she was a little girl to the front lines of a battle between the Senju and Uchiha clan. Nothing was ever the same after they died.

As she hung up the second white sheet onto the clothesline, she saw a shadow peer through the sheet. Nanami frowned and let out an exasperated sigh when she realised who it was.

"Good afternoon, Nanami-chan! You look lovely as always," commented Uchiha Arashi, one of the higher-ups of the Uchiha clan.

Nanami forced herself to smile back at Arashi as she moved down the clothesline to hang up more sheets. She dreaded to see the shameless and flirtatious Uchiha on this pleasant afternoon. After all, Arashi already had a wife of his own, and Nanami did not want to involve herself with him.

"Are you almost done with your chores? If you are, I would like for you to join me for tea." declared Arashi as he stood by the pole of the clothesline, watching the reluctant female's every movement.

"I'm sorry, Arashi-san. I'm afraid that I won't be able to join you. Perhaps your wife can be your company for tea," she suggested in hopes that he would leave her alone soon.

Arashi immediately scowled when Nanami mentioned his wife, and he crossed his arms, as well.

"I am not interested in my current wife. I want you to be my wife, Nanami. Besides, if you become my second wife, you won't have to go to war anymore. You can just remain at home and look pretty for me." he remarked.

Nanami clenched onto the sheets tightly, fighting back the urge to throw a punch at Arashi's arrogant face.

"I am a kunoichi for a reason, Arashi-san. To stay within the clan's estate instead of going to the battlefields would be a waste for my skills. I can't do that for anyone, especially since I've worked so hard to be recognised in the council's eyes." said Nanami in her calmest tone.

Arashi tried his best to stifle his laughter, but it ultimately failed as he tossed his head back and laughed at Nanami's words. He clutched onto his stomach tightly as tears began to form in his eyes, and Nanami was grimly reminded of her cousins for a moment. They had reacted in the same way as Arashi when she was a child.

"Ahh, that was a good one! Nanami, you are truly humorous with your words! You can make anyone laugh with just anything! No wonder I am in love with your personality." he uttered after he recovered from his fits of laughter.

Nanami felt her shoulders fall limp, and she turned away from him to continue with her chore. She had been misunderstood once again, and she was sick and tired of it. She may not have been the best kunoichi in the entire clan, but she was still somewhat worthy to them, right?

"I wasn't trying to be humorous, Arashi-san. I was merely saying my own true opinion..." she murmured quietly.

"Aww Nanami, don't be like that. You know that I like you. But in all seriousness, you don't have to live like this. You can live more peacefully if you were married to me. It would be a shame if your good-looking traits were never passed on to your future children, too."

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