Chapter 9

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"Juri-san? Is this okay? Won't we get caught by someone?" Nanami asked with concern.

"It's fine, it's fine! Besides, it's my day off and I want to have some fun. We'll be okay, just trust me on this." reassured Juri as she peeked around a corner of the hall.

The two Uchiha females were currently snooping around the Uchiha clan's bathhouse after they had their own fulfilment of the attraction, but the idea of it was mostly on Juri's whim. Nanami reluctantly tagged along with Juri for the sake of watching over her, but she wondered what had gotten into her mistress's mischievous mind. It was her first time seeing Juri in such a playful mood.

"Okay Nanami-san, we're going to sneak into the men's changing room and once we're inside, we're going to steal all of their clothes and shoes! After that, we'll hide them somewhere around the building, and we'll watch and hear their reactions either from the women's changing room or somewhere near the hall. It's going to be great!" Juri exclaimed with a snicker.

"Must we do this, Juri-san? It will only bring trouble for Ayato-san and Erika-san since they are the caretakers of the bathhouse."

"Nonsense! Ayato-san and Erika-san adore me, so they won't get upset. I've done this plenty of times before too." she confessed with a giggle.

Nanami let out a disappointed sigh and followed her mistress down the hall to the sliding shoji screen door of the men's changing room. She prayed that they wouldn't get caught by anyone today, and she also hoped that she wouldn't die of embarrassment as well. It was bad enough that she had to go along with Juri's childish prank, and the last thing she needed was a punishment from a higher-up.

After stopping in front of the entrance to the men's changing room, Juri slowly slid the screen open and peeked inside to see if anyone was in the room. When the coast was clear, she beckoned Nanami to follow her inside, and the two Uchiha women immediately headed over to the shelves that held the clothes and shoes of the guests using the bathhouse.

With the clock ticking down to their final moments, Nanami unwillingly grabbed the various clothes and shoes with Juri, but it looked like they would have to make two trips instead of one. There were more clothes and shoes than usual, and Nanami groaned from all the trouble they had to go through to pull off the dumb prank.

"Hurry, Nanami san! Anyone can enter through that other door at any minute! It won't be fun if we get caught!" squealed Juri.

"It's a bit troublesome to carry all of the clothes and shoes though, Juri-san! I don't think we can make it!" countered a flustered Nanami.

"Shhh! It'll be alright, just follow me!" urged Juri as she rushed out of the room with an armful of clothes.

Nanami instinctively ran out of the room and followed Juri out towards the hall where a closet was located just around the corner. As they stuffed the closet with the clothes and shoes, Juri ran back to make another round with Nanami tailing her closely from behind.

"This is going to be great, Nanami-san! Once we hide this last load, then we can go into hiding too." reminded Juri with an excited grin.

"Yes, my lady..." Nanami mumbled unpleasantly.

After gathering another armful of clothes and shoes, Juri decided to head out first while Nanami collected the rest.

"I'll come back and help you, Nanami! Just try to gather as much as you can!" shouted Juri before she disappeared from view.

Once Juri left, Nanami focused solely on pulling the prank off for the sake of her mistress. She quickly piled robes, shirts, pants, and shoes on top of one another in her arms in hopes of making her escape soon.

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