Chapter 2

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"Nii-san, would it be alright if Nanami were to move in with us?" Madara raised his eyebrow at his younger brother's query as they exited the meeting room of the Uchiha clan, followed out by the other members who had been present. Izuna kept a very careful ear out for Arashi, who was trailing behind the two and boasting very animatedly about himself to one of the older men. The sound of his voice was like listening to someone scraping their chair across a hard, wooden floor, or someone scratching a blackboard with their nails. It was pure agony, and the more he listened to it, the more infuriated he became.

"What makes you talk about that so suddenly, Izuna?" chirped Madara curiously as they exited the building. "Are you two in a relationship?"

Izuna could sense Arashi whipping his head around at the sound of Madara questioning his relationship with Nanami. He internally smirked, and crossed his arms as he began striding confidently with his brother.

"We're just close friends, that's all," said Izuna loudly, glancing over his shoulder to see if Arashi's attention had been caught. It had, and said man was staring straight at Izuna, listening to every word he and Madara were exchanging. 

"Ah, Arashi! I heard about your failed attempts to court Nanami! Are you not satisfied with Juri? If that's the case, then I'm afraid you're just setting yourself up for disappointment," added Izuna in a threatening tone. Arashi made his way to the two prodigal brothers, who were now standing just outside of the meeting house as other members of the clan swarmed away from the three men.

"Why, Izuna-sama, whatever made you think such a thing?" laughed Arashi playfully, flipping his hair out of his eyes. Izuna's jaw clenched, with him just itching to lean forward and punch him across the face. Instead, Izuna forced a smile at his subordinate, pushing all thoughts of violence out of his head.

"I'm not blind, Arashi, I see everything. You're trying to court Nanami, are you not?" Izuna's voice was now cold and harsh, and the glare he directed at Arashi was so intense it could be sensed by even Madara, who raised his eyebrow even further at his brother's peculiar actions. Arashi chuckled, completely brushing away Izuna's hostility and taking it all in his stride.

"Well, of course, Izuna-sama. I think it's just a pity that a specimen as beautiful as her would risk dying on the battlefields," he said in a languid voice, deepening Izuna's malice. "Knowing about Nanami's kunoichi skills, I wouldn't put it past her. It would be a shame if someone as beautiful as her didn't pass on her favourable genes onto the next generation of Uchiha children. Why, if you were to combine my skills and power with Nanami's beauty and brains, our children would be gods among humans!"

The way he laughed at the end of his explanation made Izuna's blood boil with rage, and he further attempted to conceal his rage. Arashi, being the thickheaded egoist he was, paid no heed to a now thoroughly irked Izuna, and continued rambling on about how he and Nanami would be perfect together, throwing in a demeaning comment here and there. It was an endless torrent- it was as if the man had verbal diarrhoea, and was purposely trying to tick Izuna off.

"... as much as her skills as a kunoichi lack, I can only hope that she can make up for it in bed. You know what I mean?" Arashi winked at Izuna and burst into laughter, closing his eyes for just a split second. That split second was enough for Izuna to lash out at the horrible man, only to be pulled back by Madara and put back into place before any damage could be done or witnessed. Everything passed by so quickly, Arashi was none the wiser as he wiped stray tears from the corner of his eyes, still chuckling lightly as Izuna quietly simmered just feet from him, Madara's arm wrapped tightly around his younger brother's shoulders to prevent him from jumping out again.

"I mean, could you imagine her? In bed, that is- she'd look absolutely-"

"That's nice and all, Arashi, but may you please refrain from sexualising women in public, especially to your superiors," said Madara coldly, cutting off Arashi's perverted thoughts. "It would be preferred if you didn't have such thoughts in public, much less explicitly recount every blow by blow detail." The edge to his voice instantly shut Arashi up, whose mouth became a straight line as both of the brothers' eyes sent him disdainful looks, making him clear his throat and duck his head.

"Ah, of course, Madara-sama. I apologise," he said, bowing deeply to the two brothers. "I'll be going now."

"Hn." Straightening himself up, Arashi tucked his hands into the pockets of his yukata and began strolling away from Izuna and Madara, whistling a tune as he did so. Once he was finally out of sight, Madara removed his grip from Izuna's shoulders and regarded him with a questioning look. Izuna merely turned away from him, crossing his arms, and only spoke a few minutes later when Madara's gaze had become unbearable.

"The nerve he has to speak of Nanami like that. Tch." Madara stepped back from Izuna and raised his eyebrow even further at him, eyes scanning every aspect of his face.

"I didn't know it would take that much to spur you into action," mused his older brother. "As soon as you called to him, it looked like you wanted to rip his throat out. I'm surprised you managed to last that entire conversation without laying even a finger on him."

"Because you kept me from doing so," spat Izuna, glaring in the direction Arashi had gone. "From the way his mouth was running, I would've had him dead in a heartbeat!" Madara sighed, and patted his younger brother on his back, beginning to walk ahead.

"Please try not to kill him, Izuna," he said plainly. "Whether you like it or not, Arashi is one of our best, and we need him for all our upcoming battles. And if you're trying to keep your feelings for Nanami a secret, well, you're not doing a very good job. Just go and court her yourself- maybe then you'll have a proper chance with her."

End of Chapter 2 [by Kushina]

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