Chapter 3

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With her forefinger and middle finger pointed to the sky, Nanami brought her hand near the lower facial area of her face, and she closed her eyes to concentrate on molding her warm chakra. Today was her day to train her heart out, and she was determined to improve her skills as a kunoichi for the sake of her clan too.

Inhaling a deep breath and weaving hand signs for the jutsu, Nanami slowly forced her chakra to seep up into the area of her throat. A few seconds later, she let her breath go and released orange blazing flames that circled and grew into a great and monstrous fireball. Nanami's eyes widened with astonishment when she saw the results, and she grinned like an idiot when she realized that she had finally mastered the jutsu.

"I did it...I really did it!" squealed a joyous Nanami.

"Pfft...anyone can do that! It's one of the easiest jutsu to learn in this clan!You're just slower than the others, Nanami." retorted a nasty and unfriendly female voice.

Nanami cringed when she heard the familiar voice and her shoulders slumped down depressingly. Of all the people she had to meet at the training grounds today, it had to be none other than the infamous Uchiha Misaki.

"I'm surprised that you're still around, Nanami. You should be dead by now, especially with your weak abilities. The only good thing about you is your looks, and that's it. You have nothing else going on for you," commented Misaki with her nose in the air.

"That's not true. I'm more than what you think I am!" shouted Nanami in defense.

"Pfft, as if! It's not like you're the savior of this clan. You'll never move up the ranks either. Just give up already. The best you can do for this clan is get married and bear some children." countered Misaki.

Before Nanami could speak up, a messenger ran towards them and asked for both of their presences in the main meeting room. The council was calling for their appearances.

"I wonder what they need me for..." thought Nanami.

In the main meeting room, a nervous Nanami sat before the council and elders with her feet tucked underneath her thighs. Her hands laid in her lap and she waited for one of the elders to say something. Glancing around the traditional Japanese room, Nanami's eyes met Izuna's alluring dark orbs, and her cheeks were tinted pink when he shot her his friendly signature smile. Of course, Misaki was next to her, but Misaki was a little offended that she couldn't sit with the other higher-ups of the clan. After all, Misaki was a higher-up too, and she didn't want to sit near a low-class kunoichi like Nanami.

"This meeting will now be in session. Please refrain from discussing other subjects as of now," announced Uchiha Hikaku as he stood up to get the entire room's attention.

One of the elder Uchiha men coughed in his arm before he began, and Nanami shifted uncomfortably when she caught Arashi smirking directly at her.

"As many of you may know, we have lost many of our men last week after our battle with the Senju clan. In today's agenda, we must address any issues regarding our plans for war. Also, our next battle will take place next week with the Yasuda clan, so we must come up with new ways to diminish their numbers immediately. With that said, we will also discuss the entrance of a new team leader for the Trap Tactics Specialty Group. Please stand from your seat, Nanami-san."

Nanami's heart pounded against her chest fiercely as she rose from her seat, and she looked at the elders and council members with surprise. What had suddenly made the council decide that she would be suitable for the job? Shaking slightly, the young kunoichi glanced over at Izuna and received a reassuring smile. Perhaps this wouldn't be a bad decision after all. They had to put some thought into it, correct?

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