Chapter 12

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"Wakey wakey, sleepyhead. Time to get up." 

Izuna gently prodded Nanami's lightly slumbering figure, making her shift in her futon. He sighed as he pushed back loose strands of hair that clung to her face, her features contorted as if caught in some sort of nightmare. He couldn't blame her, either; after what she had gone through, it was a wonder that she'd managed to close her eyes at all. As much as he didn't want to disturb her, Izuna had to make sure that Nanami was prepared for Arashi's execution, which was scheduled for midday. It was ten in the morning already, and Madara wanted to run through the procedure with Nanami before it came to crunch time.

"Hey, it's time to get up now," said the Uchiha softly, shaking Nanami by the arm. Her eyes opened in an instant, and she leapt out of her futon, screeching as she pushed herself away from Izuna, putting as much distance as she could between the two of them. Her chest was heaving as she breathed rapidly, looking around her surroundings in alarm. Izuna rose to his feet and approached the frenzied woman, holding out his hands.

"It's just me. It's okay now, you're okay," said Izuna reassuringly, taking note of Nanami's pale face and sunken eyes. The raven-haired girl's lip trembled, and she stumbled forward into Izuna's arms, wailing as she buried her face in his chest. Izuna responded by wrapping his arms tightly around her trembling figure, stroking her long hair as it rippled down her back and shoulders.

"Izuna... I can't... I..." Nanami was at a loss for words. After all that had happened yesterday, she hadn't been able to catch a decent blink of sleep, and when she finally did, it was only to be further tormented by the ghosts of Arashi's actions. Izuna hushed her, drawing her tighter to him. Although he loathed Arashi for what he had done to Nanami, he also felt some form of fulfilment as Nanami clung onto him, feeling smug that she was coming to him for his support. He felt as if he were finally able to do his job of protecting her, with no one and nothing to stand in his way.

"Can't what, Nanami?" asked Izuna tenderly, protectively holding onto his friend. She choked on her words as she continued sobbing into his chest, spilling out her every emotion.

"I-I can't- do- i-it-" Her sentence was ended with another cracked sob, and her broken speech transcended into low, nonuniform sobs. Izuna grimaced, and began moving side to side, as if wanting to rock Nanami's troubles away. His jaw was set tight; if Nanami couldn't give Arashi the punishment he deserved, then by all means, he would do it himself.

"Nanami, listen to me. Backing out of it now will not change anything," said Izuna in a low voice. "It has been decided by the council, and regardless of whether you are able to execute the task or not, by the end of today, Uchiha Arashi will surely be dead. Or, if you really want him to suffer, he'll probably last a couple of days longer." The last bit had meant to be a joke to lighten the atmosphere, but the dark intentions Izuna had behind those words were clear; he wanted Arashi to suffer, but if Nanami was against it, then he would ensure that it was a quick and easy death.

"I can't do it, Izuna..." mumbled the tormented woman, grabbing a hold of the cloth of Izuna's yukata and crumpling it in her hands as she leaned against his chest. "Juri... she loves Arashi... I can't lay a hand on him..." Rage flared within Izuna at Nanami's words; after all the grief and misery he had put her through, she was still unwilling to get the justice that she rightfully deserved. She was too saintly for her own good, and the thought of it irked Izuna.

"Then I will do it for you. You have nothing to worry about, Nanami..." murmured Izuna, feeling Nanami sigh and rely heavier on him. Her grip on the front of his yukata tightened, and she scrunched her eyes closed as she envisioned Arashi's inevitable last stand.


The meeting with Madara and the members of the council was swift, with Izuna quickly explaining the minor change of plans. Madara had looked questioningly at his little brother, but if he had any doubts on the matter, he didn't voice them.

𝐋𝐀𝐓𝐂𝐇𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐎𝐍𝐓𝐎 𝐘𝐎𝐔 | izuna uchihaWhere stories live. Discover now