Chapter 25

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"Everything appears to be fine. We will be on standby; as soon as you feel yourself beginning to start your contractions, alert us and we will be here right away. It won't be much longer now; one more week to go. Make sure you walk around a bit before you rest for the night, get some exercise in there. Do you have anymore questions?"

"I don't. Nanami?"

"Me neither. Thank you, obaa-san."

Akane smiled warmly at Nanami as she rose to her feet, collecting her belongings and bowing to the heavily pregnant woman.

"Take care of yourself, Nanami-chan."

Izuna stood up, beckoning for the old nurse to follow him.

"I will lead you out, Akane-baa," he said in a soft voice, escorting the old woman out of the building. When he returned to the room Nanami was sitting in, he smiled brightly at her and held out his hand. Skeptically, Nanami raised an eyebrow at him as she rubbed her swollen belly, unmoving.

"Where do you propose on going?" she asked lightly, making Izuna sigh.

"She said to go for a walk. Let's go for a walk!"

"I'm sure she didn't mean right now, Izuna."

"Better now than never, right?"

Nanami lowered her head in defeat, sighing. Izuna knelt before her and held both his hands out to her, grinning brightly.

Initially during Nanami's pregnancy, Izuna had been standoffish and cold about the coming child, and was reluctant about talking about it with Nanami. However, now that the due date was looming nearer and nearer, his attitude towards the idea of Arashi's child being born had lightened considerably. Nanami thought that it was because he had finally accepted that the child was going to be born whether he liked it or not, and that he was finally ready to raise it as his own.

That's what she thought.

Izuna helped a staggering Nanami to her feet, holding onto her tightly as she steadied herself.

"Wow, I'm winded already," she breathed as Izuna held onto her arm, still smiling as brightly as ever.

"You're so pretty," he said in a gooey voice, making Nanami roll her eyes. In addition to becoming extremely positive about the child, Izuna had also suddenly become a sickeningly sweet romantic, never ceasing to laud Nanami with endless "I love you"'s and compliments. She wasn't complaining, though; she adored the attention he showered her with.

"You tell me that every day, Izuna," sighed Nanami as they left the house together, emerging into the street hand in hand. The Uchiha beamed brightly and squeezed his lover's hand softly, winking at her.

"I say it so you never forget," he said with a sparkle in his eye, making Nanami look away in embarrassment. Just because she adored Izuna's attention, it didn't mean she was used to it just yet.

"Sooooo, have you thought of a name yet?"

"Izuna, we've been through this. I'm stumped on names. You're no help either. Even Madara was more helpful when he was recommending names. You just gave me a list of objects and animals."

"At least I tried!"

While Nanami and Izuna's relationship had developed quickly and deeply over the last few months, it didn't go unnoticed.

"That stupid bitch."

Misaki was walking down the road when she saw the couple emerge from their home, and stopped dead in her tracks as they walked ahead of her hand in hand. Pure fury bubbled within her as she glared intensely at the back of Nanami's head, noting how she waddled with every step.

𝐋𝐀𝐓𝐂𝐇𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐎𝐍𝐓𝐎 𝐘𝐎𝐔 | izuna uchihaWhere stories live. Discover now