Author's Note

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Wowowowow, I can't believe it's been 3 years since this story was published!! (It'll be exactly 3 years on November 17th but who's counting? lol) 

It has been such an amazing (albeit delayed) journey that I'm glad I was able to share with you all! I can't finish this story without mentioning the one and only Yuuzuki-Uchiha for her immense support ,and for being the other mastermind behind this entire story! It's all over, and now idk what to do with my life anymore. Omg.

Okay, so I was thinking about turning this story into an OC x Izuna story, but knowing how lazy I am to change all the [Name]'s into an OC's name, that won't be happening for a while lol. But when it does happen, you'll know.

Thank you all so much for your support during this story! I'm sorry that all the updates were a bit delayed and it took me way longer than it should have to complete this story, but we made it!

Ahh man, I feel so empty now. Excuse me while I go find something else to do with my life. If you guys have any questions about the story, feel free to drop them down in the comments and I'll try to answer you!

Hope to see you in my other stories!

- kush xx

Update: 29/07/18 - I finally changed it! Uchiha [Name] is now Uchiha Nanami! I'm not sure why we didn't make it an OC story to begin with- most likely because we couldn't be bothered choosing a name lol- buuuuuut Nanami is still similar to [Name], right? xD Oof now I'm tempted to learn how to draw so I can draw up some Nanami x Izuna shit D:

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