Chapter 20

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"Our next battle is with the Akimoto clan. While I'm sure we will always have an abundance of battles, there would be no better opportunity than the present to strike. Am I not right, Juri-chan?"

Juri clenched her hand around her teacup as she sat across from her comrade Misaki in the depths of her now lonely home. Ever since Arashi's passing, Juri had found herself restlessly pacing through the hallways, in the garden, and up and down her bedroom, as if that would make her feel less desolate and forlorn inside. The silence constantly echoed in her ears, and haunted her with every step she took.

She had waited long enough to exact her revenge on Uchiha Nanami.

"Why not make Nanami's first battle back her last?"


On the morn of the much anticipated battle, Nanami was fresh and ready to kill. Her battle with Izuna had changed her, made her sharper and more open-minded to the thought of hand to hand combat. Uchiha Izuna was one of the most skilled shinobi in the entire world: if Nanami could stand against him on her own, then she most definitely could deal with a gaggle of second-rate enemy shinobi on the battlefield.

Taking her time to ensure her appearance was decent, Nanami stood in front of her mirror and analysed her face from several different angles. Wearing her long dark hair in a high, tight ponytail, with her face framed perfectly by her equally delicate bangs, Nanami smiled at herself and graciously flicked her ponytail over her shoulder, pumping herself up for the battle.

"You are going to go in there and slaughter them," she said seriously to herself, prodding a finger at her reflection. "You've already mucked it up once, don't do it again."

Finally content with her appearance, Nanami reached down and swiftly snatched her sheathed katana from the ground, swinging it over her shoulder in one smooth motion before turning on her heel and marching out of her room.

Meeting Izuna and Madara in the living room, the trio wore the standard, high-collared and long-sleeved navy blue mantle with the clan crest on the back pulled in with black obi around their waists, along with ash grey pants and grey sandals. Izuna smiled tenderly at Nanami's appearance, soaking in how radiant and youthful she looked standing before him. She returned his smile, greeting him and his brother with a respectful bow.

"You look ready for battle," quipped Izuna, making the battle ready woman chuckle lowly.

"I messed up my chance once. There's no way I'm letting that happen again," she said, facing Madara. "Madara-sama, thank you for allowing me back into the ranks. I am truly grateful for your benevolence."

The corners of Madara's mouth twitched upwards in a smirk, and he nodded coolly at his subordinate as he crossed his arms.

"If you are to be thanking anyone, I suggest you thank the man who taught you everything you know today," hinted the leader, nodding at his younger brother. "I had no part in your transformation. I merely set the standard: Izuna helped you reach it."

Nanami averted her glance back to Izuna, weakly smiling at him.

"Thank you, Izuna-nii," she said softly, bowing deeply before him. Izuna laughed and reached out to her, straightening her up and catching her by surprise.

"Thank you, for being the most dedicated student anyone could ever ask for," he said affectionately, holding her hands in his as they locked gazes.

Madara, not wanting to witness anymore of his brother's mushiness, raised a hand and said ,"Okay, let's go now. We don't want to keep everyone waiting."

Izuna merely continued to stare at Nanami with a fondness in his eyes, making her flush and turn away from him in shyness. He laughed and swung her hands around as she made to tear away and follow his brother, pulling her back towards him.

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