Chapter 29

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Three months passed since Nanami's unnamed child disappeared; or, in her memory, tragically passed away. In the time it had taken her to get used to the grief of her loss, she had become more and more attached to Izuna, whom she now saw as her sole source of comfort and security.

Just the way he wanted it.

"Good morning, my princess."

Izuna greeted Nanami as she sat in their living room, staring down at her cup of tea with an emotionless expression on her face. Upon hearing Izuna's voice, a smile broke out across her lips, and Nanami beamed at him with nothing but pure love in her eyes.

"Good morning, Izuna." The Uchiha sat down across from Nanami, reaching out and taking her hand in his own. It was a peaceful morning, just like any other. In order to help Nanami recover from all her past traumas, Izuna had made sure that he was present every step of the way, even if it meant taking time off from the council.

"Can you believe it? We'll be able to move into our own home soon enough," he said encouragingly, making Nanami smile even wider.

Following the child's death, Nanami and Izuna's relationship had only gotten stronger. There was no doubt in either of their minds that they were meant for each other; now, all that was left was for them to take the final step.

"Madara won't allow it until we're officially married," said Nanami with a frown, knowing well enough that an official wedding for the pair would be months down the road. "It's just the way things are."

"A couple of months isn't too long to wait though, is it?" teased Izuna with a cheeky smile. "I'm sure we can bear a couple more months of sharing the same home with Madara. Once we move out, it'll just be the two of us."

"And only the two of us," reiterated Nanami, prompting Izuna to squeeze her hand gently. After her only child's death, Nanami was so emotionally scarred that she refused to have any more children in the future, much to Izuna's delight. He didn't want children either; Nanami had to give him and only him every bit of her love and attention. No child was going to strip him of that right.

"You know it." Izuna knelt and leaned across the table, gently kissing Nanami on the lips. "How are you feeling today?"

Nanami cleared her throat and sat up straight, looking Izuna directly in the eye.

"Actually... I was hoping to speak to Madara and the council today," she said, making Izuna raise an eyebrow in skepticism. 

"What for?"

Nanami smiled nervously.

"I want to resume my duties as a kunoichi," she said haughtily, turning up her nose at Izuna. "I'm ready. My body is back to normal, my mental health is stable, I feel a hundred and ten percent better. I want to get back out there and... do stuff. Leave the compound, stab people, set trees on fire. Like old times."

Although a bit surprised, Izuna wasn't going to argue. Especially with what she wanted to do. Leave the compound? Stab people? Set trees on fire? He would feel so much better if she could do all of that.

Izuna tilted his head to the side, apprehending Nanami with a look of curiosity on his face.

"You bounced back faster than we all expected," he said with a small chuckle, nodding slowly. "Shall we go together?"

Nanami smiled, nodding enthusiastically.

Izuna's heart melted at the sight of her looking so excited and joyful; it was the purest image of her he had ever seen.

"I love you."

His words were sudden, catching Nanami by surprise. She froze, with her smile still on her face, but took it in her stride.

"I... love you too, Izuna," she said calmly, rubbing his hand with her thumb.


"There are two points I'd like to bring up in relation to our clan members. The first, is the reinstatement of Uchiha Nanami as a kunoichi. After overcoming all the challenges she faced in the last few months, she is finally fit to return to work and serve her clan as we see fit. Nanami, welcome back."

There were light murmurs and nods of agreement around the meeting room as Madara addressed the council members, and in the back of the room, Misaki rolled her eyes in disdain.

"Good on her," she said sarcastically, sitting with her arms crossed as she spitefully kept her eyes locked on the back of her nemesis' head. The fact that Nanami was sitting right at the front with Izuna didn't slide by unnoticed; in fact, it made Misaki livid.

As Madara waited for everyone to turn their attention back to him, Misaki watched as Nanami leaned over to Izuna and whispered something in his ear, causing her blood to boil.

That stupid little bitch, thought Misaki bitterly, feeling her rage become more palpable as the seconds ticked by.

"Now, on to my second point. In light of all the events that have transpired, it is with great pleasure that I announce to you that a marriage proposal has been made."

It was in that moment that Madara locked eyes with Misaki, and she knew there and then what he was going to say. People around the room began talking, much to Madara's dislike, but it didn't stop him from making the big announcement.

"I present to you Uchiha Izuna and Uchiha Nanami, the latest members in our clan to make this joyous step forward in life. Congratulations to you two."

A round of applause went around the room, with Nanami and Izuna bowing respectfully to those wishing them well. Aghast, Misaki let out a loud yell of frustration.But no one was paying any attention to her; everyone was abuzz at the news of one of their clan's leaders finally settling down.

Outraged, Misaki rose to her feet and stormed out of the room, but not before she shot Madara a look of pure contempt. Her departure had not gone unnoticed; Nanami, for one, was among those who saw her leave.

And for once, she wasn't afraid or intimidated of Misaki. What was there to fear?

Everything Misaki wanted, Nanami had. And she wasn't going to lose any of it anytime soon, either.

So, instead of paying heed to Misaki's walkout, Nanami merely turned to Izuna with a victorious smile.

"You're mine," she whispered, just loud enough for him to hear. His eyes widened in surprise at her words, but that didn't mean he liked it any less.

"Of course, Nanami," he replied with a small grin, taking her hand in his and giving it a tight squeeze. "Only yours."

Nanami stared smugly at the door Misaki had exited from, narrowing her eyes with malice.

You've given me hell long enough, Misaki. It's time to deal with you once and for all.

Izuna watched the wicked look cross over Nanami's face, and he knew immediately that there had been a massive shift in her personality. Nanami laced their fingers together before arrogantly turning her attention back to Madara, who continued addressing other issues that needed discussion.

Izuna didn't know what Nanami was plotting, but none of it mattered to him. He had an inkling of what to expect, but he didn't want to jump to conclusions just yet.

If he could kill for love, who was to say Nanami couldn't?

Author's Note: lol nanami is # done with misaki's shit

𝐋𝐀𝐓𝐂𝐇𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐎𝐍𝐓𝐎 𝐘𝐎𝐔 | izuna uchihaWhere stories live. Discover now