Chapter 17

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Early the next morning, Nanami rubbed her eyes groggily as she felt someone shake her shoulder gently. She was exhausted and sore from her training with Izuna, and she wanted to scream and tell the person to stop waking her up at an ungodly hour.

"Hn...just five more minutes..." Nanami said sleepily.

"Nanami, wake up. We have to get ready for our private meeting with Madara. It's going to be important because we'll discuss your future fight with me." Izuna spoke.

Sitting up quickly from her soft futon, Nanami's eyes widened from the sudden news. Why did she have to fight with the second-in-command leader of all the other people in the clan?! It was like a cat facing a fierce lion in a battle.

"W-What do you mean I have to fight you? Can't I f-fight someone else?" she tentatively asked.

Izuna shook his head and stared at her with dark eyes. Was Nanami always this attractive when she had a form of fear on her face? Perhaps.

"It was Nii-san's wish, and it was the only condition that would allow you to become a kunoichi for the clan again." Izuna informed.

Running her fingers through her messy hair, Nanami groaned and closed her eyes tightly. She didn't think it would be this difficult, but she didn't have a choice anymore. If she wanted to achieve her goals, then she would have to overcome the obstacles along the way.

"I'll meet you in the kitchen then. Just give me a few minutes to get ready..." she mumbled quietly. Nodding his head in return, Izuna left the room to leave Nanami alone. He dreaded for the day that he would have to fight his dear Nanami for her place back in their ninja system, but he decided that he would find a way to have her come back. It was something that he wanted just as much as Nanami. Hearing her leave her room after ten minutes of waiting, Izuna whipped his head back and smiled at her warmly.

"Shall we go, my dear?" he asked charmingly.

Sighing heavily, Nanami reluctantly reached out for his arm and held on to it. "I don't have a choice in the first place anyways." she muttered half-heartedly as Izuna led the way.


Walking on the wooden verandas of the higher up's main headquarters, Nanami took deep breaths as she approached Madara's office with Izuna by her side. She was completely nervous and her heart began to beat faster with every step.

"Don't worry, everything will be fine. I promise," assured Izuna.

"I hope so..." Nanami muttered.

As they made their way through the courtyard and garden, a strong wind blew by and the wind chimes clanged against each other in a soothing manner. Nanami perked up when she felt a chilling presence, and she quietly met the icy eyes of her former mistress, Juri, who was accompanied by a smirking Misaki.

Nanami continued to walk alongside Izuna, but her gaze never left Juri's or Misaki's. The other two Uchiha women had stopped to watch her leave the courtyard, but the aura they gave off was quite hostile and unwelcoming. It was as if time had stopped and everything had turned into a nasty grey color, and Nanami lost herself as she looked at Juri with sorrowful eyes.

But Juri did not have sympathy for her former maid. No, she wanted vengeance and her thirst for it would not be quenched until she fulfilled it. Arashi would get his justice one day, and she would gladly take her place as a loyal wife to him.

Feeling the dangerous daggers coming from Juri's onyx eyes, Nanami eventually gained back her consciousness and quickly looked away, forcing herself to not look back. She was afraid that Juri would only spit venom at her if she did not break away from the gaze soon.

𝐋𝐀𝐓𝐂𝐇𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐎𝐍𝐓𝐎 𝐘𝐎𝐔 | izuna uchihaWhere stories live. Discover now