Chapter 18

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"Tch. Look at her."

At the Uchiha training grounds, Misaki watched Nanami and Izuna from a distance with her arms crossed as she shook her head in disdain. Beside her, Juri clutched tightly onto the hilt of her kunai as she too stared at her rival, an undescribable feeling of anger and frustration bubbling within her whenever she saw Nanami.

"She's improving," said Juri bitterly, her once serene visage now marred by pure hatred. Misaki patted her comrade on the back, narrowing her eyes at her cousin and his love interest.

"She remains inferior to you, Juri," announced Misaki loudly. "I promise you, you will get the opportunity to avenge Arashi. After all, the only way justice can be found for him is for you to take matters into your own hands. The clan was fooled by Izuna and his brother into believing that a virtuous man like Arashi was guilty of such a sin, all because of Izuna's infatuation with that whore. I, too, loathe her will all my being, but it is only fair that you have the honour of delivering the final blow that will finish her off. It is only right."

With a hard heart, Juri nodded silently at Misaki's words.

"Let us train some more," she said, briskly turning on her heel and returning to the grounds she and Misaki had been utilising. "I want to make sure there is absolutely no chance she will be able to escape from my wrath."

Misaki smirked as she followed her bloodthirsty ally, pleased with her determination to destroy Nanami.

"Of course."


Meanwhile, Nanami and Izuna were so occupied in their spar that they barely noticed the two women who had been watching them from afar.

Both short of breath, what was intended to be a friendly match had developed into a battle to the death. The lower halves of Nanami's pants had disintegrated into nothing as a result of one of Izuna's fire jutsu, and a light but stinging burn was visible on her shin and ankle. Izuna himself was not too well off, either; his face was gashed and splattered from blood, a result of Nanami's quick-handed kunai prowess. Both sported equally caustic wounds, yet neither of them seemed to have felt the full aftershocks of them yet.

Nanami doubled over as she struggled for breath, making sure to keep a close eye on Izuna as she recomposed himself. Seeing his sparring partner short of breath made the Uchiha laugh, and pull out his sword and point it towards her as he cast aside his sheath.

"What? Tired already?" he cackled, throwing his head back in the air. Nanami growled and pounced at him, deflecting his blade with her kunai and pushing up against him. Izuna scowled as Nanami pressed her face close to his, smirking as he quivered under her pressure.

"What? Tired already?" she mused with a wry smile, shaking as she threaded her kunai under his sword and flung both their weapons into the air. However, in doing so she left her guard open, and it was then that Izuna took the chance to tackle Nanami to the ground, grabbing her by the throat and holding her down.

Winded, Nanami was pinned to the ground with an earth shaking thud, and once more Izuna straddled her victoriously, leaning closer to her face as he rubbed it in.

"You lose," he said sweetly, letting go of Nanami's throat and patting her rosy cheeks with both hands. The female Uchiha groaned and lolled her head to the side, exhausted by her fight with the higher up. The tension and aggression that had been in the air between the two immediately vanished as Nanami accepted her defeat, and she let out a cry of outrage.

"UGH!" The Uchiha flailed her arms and legs in a tantrum, making her tutor laugh in amusement as he rolled off of her and lay beside her. "This isn't fair! I almost had you! Goddamnit!"

𝐋𝐀𝐓𝐂𝐇𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐎𝐍𝐓𝐎 𝐘𝐎𝐔 | izuna uchihaWhere stories live. Discover now