Chapter 23

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"What? Are you positive?"

"Yes! Word has been going around that she's pregnant with the late Arashi-sama's child..."

Misaki sneered as she heard the whispers of numerous clan members in the center of the compound, each going about their own business. A week after she had run into Izuna on the street, it became clear to her just why he had so urgently been on his way to the medical ward.

"Why would she keep it, though? I mean, after all her hard work, and all that trauma... it can't be easy dealing with this, especially since she was just re-elevated to her status as a kunoichi..."

"Hard work? Trauma?"

Standing before a gaggle of gossiping wives on their way down to the river with their baskets of laundry in hand, Misaki crossed her arms as she apprehended them mid-exit. They all exchanged wary looks, bowing unsurely to the higher up.

"Nanami seduced Arashi, destroyed his marriage, and played Izuna so that she could walk out of her situation unscathed," she said sourly, eyes boring into those of the wives, embarrassed they had been caught speaking idly. "She used and abused our council members so that she could get her own way. After her failure to be a useful kunoichi to our clan, she schemed as hard as she could to claw her way back up."


"This is the child of the man Nanami lusted over for so long! I bet you it's nothing but guilt that makes her keep it! She knows just as well as I do that Arashi was innocent- after falsely accusing him of rape, she couldn't go back, even when the council sentenced him to death!"

Now speaking with her voice loud enough for everyone in the vicinity to hear, Misaki grinned triumphantly as people around her began to whisper in agreement.

"Ah, I never really heard the full story, so I didn't know..."

"Would Madara-sama actually allow something so dishonourable to pass him by so easily, though? Arashi was one of our clan's most valued shinobi..."

"Uchiha Nanami is nothing but a disgrace to our clan," announced Misaki loudly. "She is a stain upon the honour and dignity of our family. She is not the victim. She deserves to be punished for her crimes."

"What nonsense is going on here?"

The crowd of people who had gathered around Misaki quickly dispersed at the sound of a voice which unmistakably belonged to their clan leader, Madara. The kunoichi herself looked up as Madara made his way towards her, an unimpressed look on his face as his long mane of hair flared out behind him.

"Misaki, what are you doing?" he asked in a stern voice, staring at her disapprovingly. The women who Misaki had originally stopped hurriedly bowed their heads and ducked away from the pair, leaving the center of the compound completely deserted.

"I am merely speaking the truth," said Misaki haughtily. "As you know, I am a fervent advocate of justice. Nanami is a vixen who cannot be trusted, and I will never forgive her for what she did to not only Arashi, but Juri as well."

Madara closed his eyes as he took a deep breath, calming himself to find the best solution to Misaki's poisonous tongue. It was by chance that he had stumbled across the kunoichi in the center; while Izuna remained at home, tending to Nanami and her violent bouts of morning sickness, Madara had been left alone to do the meager tasks of shopping and errand running, and this morning, he was on the way to the market.

"Misaki." Raising an eyebrow at her leader, Misaki arrogantly stood her ground, refusing to even look at the clan leader properly.

Eyes boring into hers, Madara stared Misaki down coldly.

"I am in no doubt that what Arashi did was vulgar and unforgivable, and I do not regret my decision for his execution at all. My role in this clan is to ensure that justice prevails, and in the case of Nanami and Arashi, it did.  Arashi was guilty; Nanami was the victim. In actuality, I am rather disgusted that you continue to slander her like this, while knowing of everything she endured. I don't know what your feelings towards Arashi were, but I am telling you right here and now to let them go. The evidence provided at the trial was more than sufficient to defend Nanami.

"Nanami has already explained to me her reasons for keeping the child, even though I really have no business in it whatsoever. I respect Nanami and her decision, as it is her body, and her choice. It will not affect her status as a kunoichi, or change the fact that she was the victim. If I catch you, or anyone else, for that matter, speaking ill of her again, I will not take to it so kindly."

"Madara-sama, don't tell me you've grown a liking for that feeble girl as well," snapped Misaki. "You know just as well as I do that she is just as weak on the battlefield as she was when she was young!"

"She was weak. Not anymore. If memory serves me correctly, Nanami was able to fully incapacitate Izuna during their battle, something which I believe you wouldn't be able to do, even in this day and age. I refuse to allow this clan to become divided over measly small talk spread by malicious tongues. If you have nothing better to do, I suggest you return home and occupy yourself with a hobby that isn't dragging Nanami into the dirt. Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go and fetch some fresh fruits for the pregnant woman vomiting all over my poor tatami mats at home. No doubt Izuna will have something to say about how long it's taking me."

Misaki watched incredulously as Madara walked away from her without another look, headed towards the clan market.

"First Izuna, and now Madara... that little bitch."

𝐋𝐀𝐓𝐂𝐇𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐎𝐍𝐓𝐎 𝐘𝐎𝐔 | izuna uchihaWhere stories live. Discover now