Chapter 31

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"An Ueda couldn't have possibly inflicted such damage upon Misaki like that!"

The meeting room erupted in argument as Madara addressed the council the following morning, regarding their dead who had been collected and returned to the compound earlier.

Nanami and Izuna sat patiently and waited for Madara while everyone bickered over the state of the woman once called the clan's greatest kunoichi, each flabbergasted as to how she could have been so badly damaged.

"Well then, who else do you propose did it?!"

"I just- it's impossible! Misaki was the most powerful kunoichi we had- dare I say it, she was stronger than half you lot!"

Madara sighed and shook his head as the arguing continued, not knowing what to do anymore. Even in death, Misaki was nothing but trouble to him. He didn't know what happened, nor did he care. She was dead, and her body was almost incinerated. There was no changing that.

But what caught his interest was how calm and composed Nanami and his younger brother seemed; it was as if they were indifferent to the whole situation at hand. Madara knew that they weren't exactly on the best of terms, considering Misaki's track record of grievances against Nanami, but that didn't give him enough reason to persecute them. For all they knew, an Ueda shinobi could have been quite capable of causing this much harm to Misaki. There was no reason for them to begin doubting their own brethren just yet.


As soon as Madara raised his voice, the room fell silent.

"In times like these, we take these deaths in our stride," he said loudly, staring down every single person in the room. "In this case, Misaki is no exception. She was a brave kunoichi who fought for the sake of our clan, and for her sacrifice, we are grateful. Just like the others, she will be buried in the family cemetery, and everyone will have the opportunity to pay their final respects to her there. She will be missed."

It was then that his eyes bored into Nanami's, and she stared back at him with no emotion.

"By some, more than others," he added. Nanami was unflinching, and nodded at the leader's words. "Consider this meeting dismissed. I'll see you all at the burial."

The members began filing out of the meeting room one by one, and as Izuna and Nanami walked out shoulder to shoulder, the sounds of naysayers continued to fill their ears.

"I can't believe an Ueda would have been capable of such destruction... it looks like it was an inside job..."

"You mean... by one of our own?"

Once the couple had broken away from everyone, Izuna reached down and gently laced his fingers with Nanami's, giving her a reassuring smile.

"How are you feeling?"

He wasn't sure why, but seeing the scars of yesterday's battle on Nanami's face made Izuna all the more attracted to her. She returned his smile, and squeezed his hand.

"Like a weight's been lifted off of my shoulders," she sighed, closing her eyes and looking up at the sky. She took a deep breath as she soaked in the sunlight, feeling the most relieved that she had been in a long time. For once, she could feel at ease. There was no more Arashi to torment her, no more Juri to make her feel guilty for something that was not her fault. But most importantly, there was no Misaki, masterminding everything and anything that could possibly lead to her demise.

There was only her and Izuna. It had taken a long time to get there, and Nanami had suffered much in the process. But now, it left her stronger and more powerful than ever.

𝐋𝐀𝐓𝐂𝐇𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐎𝐍𝐓𝐎 𝐘𝐎𝐔 | izuna uchihaWhere stories live. Discover now