Chapter 22

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The casualties from the battle with the Akimoto were minimal, and were mostly children of the clan who were inexperienced with warfare. It came as a shock when Juri's body was returned to the compound among those of children, especially to Misaki.

"What?! How did Juri- The Akimoto clan were a bunch of classless buffoons!"

She squared off with Izuna the next morning in the street, furiously demanding an answer from him.

"Classless, but not tactless," he said monotonously, uncaring of the woman's death. Earlier in the morning he had awoken to the sound of Nanami sobbing profusely in her bedroom, followed by a bout of vomiting almost likely induced by both her grief and pregnancy. "We should consider it lucky that Nanami stumbled across her body and brought it back for a proper burial. Now if you'll excuse me, I need to go to the medical ward. I'm in a hurry."

Misaki stared indignantly at Izuna's back as he pushed past her and continued his brisk walk, hurrying to fetch a medical nin to examine Nanami as soon as possible.


Clenching her fist in complete rage, Misaki glowered as she realised the truth behind Juri's demise.

How did she manage to defeat her?

Boiling with anger, Misaki turned on her heel and stormed off, too distracted by Juri's failure to focus on anything else.


"Where is she?"

"She's in here."

Izuna returned to his home later accompanied by a medical nin named Akane, a well experienced woman in her early fifties. He showed her the way to Nanami's room, and opened the door to reveal the sickly woman lying on her futon, face as pale as snow as she refrained from throwing up.

"Hello, Nanami-san," said Akane softly, making her way to Nanami's side and kneeling. "How are you?"

Nanami merely looked up at Akane with weak eyes, as if saying, "What do you think?"

Standing in the doorway of her bedroom with his arms crossed, Izuna laughed and shook his head. Like Juri, he already knew the cause of Nanami's sickness.

However, he would leave it to Akane to officially deliver the news.

"Okay, Nanami-san, I'm going to need to check your pulse..."

Izuna waited with bated breath as he watched Akane do her check-up, nodding at herself and muttering, "Hmm..." under her breath every now and then.

Ten minutes later, she announced, "I'm done," and bowed her head at Nanami before rising to her feet. She looked over at Izuna warily, and asked, "May I speak to you outside, Izuna-sama?"

The second-in-command nodded curtly, and stepped out of the doorway to let Akane join him outside. She slid the door shut behind her, and faced her superior with a small bow.

"I know that... this is something you wouldn't want to hear, Izuna-sama, but it would appear to me that Nanami-san is with child."

Izuna closed his eyes and let out a long, drawn out sigh, crossing his arms.

"I have years of experience regarding pregnancy and childbirth. There is no doubt in my mind that she is pregnant. And considering she was involved in a scandalous affair not long ago... I believe that Nanami-san is pregnant with the child of Uchiha Arashi."

Izuna smirked, opening his eyes and raising an eyebrow at Akane.

"Really? How do you know it's not my child?"

𝐋𝐀𝐓𝐂𝐇𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐎𝐍𝐓𝐎 𝐘𝐎𝐔 | izuna uchihaWhere stories live. Discover now