Chapter 11

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Later on in the evening after the catastrophic event, Izuna opted to hold a late-night trial to decide Arashi's fate after his previous and unforgivable offense towards Nanami. The trial was held on a short-notice, but when the story of Nanami's assault was made known to the entire clan, it was evident that righteous justice should be served immediately.

A deadly silence filled the meeting room as a few of the council members shuffled inside the room and made their way to their designated seats. The defendant, Uchiha Arashi, was placed in the middle of the room with his hands and feet banded together tightly, and he sat on his knees to face the judge of the night, Uchiha Madara.

Among the council members, Izuna sat beside his older brother and Nanami, and he glared daggers at the criminal of this trial. While Nanami shifted uncomfortably in her seat, Izuna's blood was boiling feverishly, and he had the urge to leap over the table to kill Arashi in the most gruesome way ever known to shinobi. He couldn't stand it nor would he accept it. He wanted Arashi to be gone from the face of the Earth, and he would be the one to take care of it. His beloved Nanami was tainted by that cruel and hideous demon, and he desired for Arashi to pay for it with his own blood. That would be Uchiha Izuna's goal for the night: to give Nanami her justice and Arashi his death.

As Izuna released a huff, Nanami tentatively pushed her long black hair away and hooked it behind her ear. Her body was still shaking from the scary experience, but she was glad that Izuna was there to save her from Arashi. She didn't know how long she would be able to bear with it if Izuna had not shown up.

Earlier before the trial, Nanami was placed in the care of several medical-nin under Izuna's orders, and they were able to successfully heal her wounds. They even offered her a special medicinal pill that would give her a 99% chance of avoiding a possible pregnancy, much to Nanami's relief. But even though the medical-nin were able to heal her from her physical wounds, Nanami found that it would be difficult to heal the emotional and mental scars on her heart and mind. In the end, the event was traumatic enough to send her to the dangerous depths of anxiety.

As a few more council members walked inside the room, Nanami's eyes fell upon the shocked and horrified ones of a devastated Juri. From her vantage point, Nanami could see the pain that filled Juri's eyes, and she desperately wanted to clarify things with her mistress. After all, they were good friends, and Nanami did not want to lose their friendship.

When Nanami stood up from her seat to go and see Juri, Izuna's hand quickly latched onto her wrist, causing Nanami to silently look down at him and question his action.

"Where do you think you're going?"!he asked.

"I want to see my mistress. I have to see her now," Nanami replied quietly.

"You are not allowed to leave your seat until the trial is over. I refuse to let you leave my sight, as well."

"Izuna, please. It'll only take me a minute or two-"

"No, I won't allow it. Stay in your seat next to me until the trial is over. I will be defending you tonight, and I don't need you to carelessly talk with Arashi's family." he seethed.

Nanami frowned at Izuna's request and reluctantly obeyed his order to keep him from arguing back with her. She knew better than to disobey the second-in-command. With defeat on her mind, she rested her head on the palm of her hand and waited for the rest of the members to show up.

Five minutes later, Nanami sensed a hostile and resentful presence enter the room, and she quickly saw a flash of red coming from Misaki's devious eyes. Misaki had made her presence known to Nanami, and with a bit of fear in her heart, Nanami unconsciously activated her underdeveloped Sharingan in response to Misaki's subtle warning.

𝐋𝐀𝐓𝐂𝐇𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐎𝐍𝐓𝐎 𝐘𝐎𝐔 | izuna uchihaWhere stories live. Discover now