Chapter 26

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"Izuna, I don't want to give birth here. Let's go to the infirmary."

While Nanami's waters hadn't broken yet, Izuna was still iffy at the prospect of taking her out of the house so late in her pregnancy. She was a day away from the proposed birth date, and Izuna didn't want to do anything that would compromise her well-being.

"But Nanami-"

"Izuna! Let's go!"

After being barked at by his lover, Izuna wasted no further time. Quickly, he collected the things he thought Nanami would need for her stay at the medical ward, but was beaten to the door by her.

"Nanami! What are you doing?!"

"What else?! I'm going over there!"

"You're insane! You should just wait inside and get comf- Nanami!"

Izuna groaned at Nanami's stubbornness, watching her as she furiously made her way down the street.

"You better not break anything on the way there!"

Izuna jogged to catch up with Nanami, staying silent so as to prevent her from wasting her breath by speaking to him. Within ten minutes she was at the door of the medical wing of the compound, and began clambering up the short staircase.

"Akane-baa!" she called out, emerging into the main hallway of the ward. Out of the first room on her left, a woman's head popped out, and she looked flabbergasted at Nanami's appearance.

"N-Nanami-sama!" she cried, rushing out and heading to the teetering woman. "What are you doing here?! I thought your birth was being held at home?"

"Plans changed," grunted Nanami. continuing down the hallway. Izuna watched the back of her in awe, amazed by her aggressiveness. She hadn't told him earlier that she wanted to give birth in the hospital; everything that they had planned with Akane was for a home delivery.

"Nanami-sama! What are you doing here?"

A wizened figure emerged from the end of the corridor, and Nanami gave her a bright smile.

"Akane-baa! Please tell me you have a room for me too!"

"Y-Yes, of course, but why are you here?"

"To have my baby here! The more I thought about it, the weirder it felt to have the baby in Madara and Izuna's house. I mean... it just feels so awkward."

"Nonetheless, Nanami-sama, neither of them objected-"

Nanami waved away Akane's remarks and followed her down the corridor to an empty room.

"I know neither of them objected, but I do," she insisted.

"But Nanami-sama, you were okay with that decision! What changed your mind?"

"I did. Is this my room?"

"Yes, please make yourself comfortable." Akane slid open a clean room for Nanami and allowed her in, Izuna following suit.

"Nanami, why are you so spontaneous?" asked an aghast Izuna, who had genuinely been worried along the way that Nanami would pop. "Could you not have told us this last week?"

"I didn't think of this last week, though. It only came into my mind today."

Izuna huffed and folded his arms across his chest as Nanami made herself comfortable on the clean futon that lay on the floor, kicking her legs over her blankets.

"Right. Anyway, you wait here while I go speak to Akane. Is there anything you need from home that I should get?"

"Not that I'm aware of."

𝐋𝐀𝐓𝐂𝐇𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐎𝐍𝐓𝐎 𝐘𝐎𝐔 | izuna uchihaWhere stories live. Discover now